Author Topic: ALTERNATOR  (Read 71294 times)

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« on: August 21, 2010, 16:44:45 pm »
Hello guys i have just put my hands on an alternator witch i got from a mechanic friend here...

I was measuring the inductance and resistance with my lrc meter and got the following results...

the stator had 23,34mh 4,2 ohms

the armature windings had 62uh 0,2ohm 1-2 (left and middle)    2-3  (middle and right wire)

But the left and right were 61,2uh and 0,0 ohms

I would have a question... any of you have ever tried using the alternator without all the diodes???

Have you tried to pulse the stator with high frequency?


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« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2010, 16:48:55 pm »
I also got a motor out of my cloths washing machine... It seemed to be broken but were only one wire inside the motor that was broken, i think that i fixed it up.. this one runs on 110v and i believe is about 300 watts....

I will use this to turn the alternator for some tests...


I made some calculations and found that 62uh with a 15uf capacitors would give +-5000 hz resonance....

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« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2010, 03:56:55 am »
I guess meyer used the alternator as a high current low voltage generator, he probably modified the alternator to generate around maybe 10000 amps at around 0,1volts substituting the coils for copper bars...

I say this because today i went to the library where the only copy of the 60's tomlin's book is located here in Br. And i just found that the pump is one of the most important things on the circuit, cause it together with magnetic or electric fields are able to cause physical separation of the h+ and 0h- ions. The electron extraction circuit is nothing more than a way to short this "battery" and than you would need only the huge low tension charge to simply convert the h+ ions into h2...

I already know a way to do this generating the h2 separately from the o2 but i'm trying yet to figure out how meyer did the both gases together as it is way harder... I'm guessing that he used electric fields instead of magnetic but i'm not yet sure how..

Guys the solution was over there for more than 60 years in a book... Do you believe?

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« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2010, 23:15:13 pm »
10,000 amps may be an overkill. A 100 amps or less is more likely. Lets face it, the cell is amp driven, more so for a parallel cell. I think Mayer kept stressing high voltage to throw people off the patent.

The only case I know of where voltage does work is in a neon or fluorescent tube. May be if you pass steam through a flourescent tube the voltage might crack it. That idea was floating around a few years back. It died a quiet death.

Do you care to post some circuits from that book?

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« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2010, 23:46:10 pm »
I guess meyer used the alternator as a high current low voltage generator, he probably modified the alternator to generate around maybe 10000 amps at around 0,1volts substituting the coils for copper bars...

I say this because today i went to the library where the only copy of the 60's tomlin's book is located here in Br. And i just found that the pump is one of the most important things on the circuit, cause it together with magnetic or electric fields are able to cause physical separation of the h+ and 0h- ions. The electron extraction circuit is nothing more than a way to short this "battery" and than you would need only the huge low tension charge to simply convert the h+ ions into h2...

I already know a way to do this generating the h2 separately from the o2 but i'm trying yet to figure out how meyer did the both gases together as it is way harder... I'm guessing that he used electric fields instead of magnetic but i'm not yet sure how..

Guys the solution was over there for more than 60 years in a book... Do you believe?

A 600 watt alternator could do 300 amps on 2 volts....
Not bad...

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« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2010, 00:20:14 am »
But how would you make a cell that pulls 300 or 1000 amps?
The thing is that Garret and Horvarth both talk about pulses of around 300 amps.....

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« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2010, 00:43:17 am »
Is because water will behave as a battery, it will be ionized (plasma like) and the charges will be maintained apart by the force from the pump witch makes the water to cross the magnetic field. The wood membrane will let only the ions to pass due to the very low voltage developed because of the flow of the water in relation to the magnetic field, than all this electricity charge the resonant capacitor and when it discharges you discharge also the ions, extracting electrons from the oh- ions and shorting them on h+ ions...

Actually it will be like charging a capacitor but instead of building up voltage you will only generate H2 you will only have a voltage when most of this ions are discharged as h2.

Will not be a too simple task

I'm trying to figure out the needed calculation for the forces acting on the ions ...

I'm trying to figure out the calculation V= Q/e^r witch stan show on the book, i think this is a way to find out what the hell capacitance really is...


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« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2010, 01:37:39 am »
I also got a motor out of my cloths washing machine... It seemed to be broken but were only one wire inside the motor that was broken, i think that i fixed it up.. this one runs on 110v and i believe is about 300 watts....

I will use this to turn the alternator for some tests...


I made some calculations and found that 62uh with a 15uf capacitors would give +-5000 hz resonance....

Thats a pretty high capacitance as far as WFC is concerned and to get that capacitance with a tube set with 1/2" and 3/4" tubes, the length would have to be 1368 meters or 4488 feet.