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Another non hydrogen project
« on: August 10, 2016, 11:17:52 am »
Hi members,

I am taking a site step as the following video was trickering my brain.

So, i am setting up a similar construction and will post some photo's later.
Its amazing how quick 6 little magnets creates heat.
Maybe i can make a very efficient waterheater for my home out of this.


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Re: Another non hydrogen project
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2016, 22:15:01 pm »
That looks really neat but seems it would serve better in the fashion of regular heating element I stead of running water thru it.
Thanks for sharing....never seen anything like that before.

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Re: Another non hydrogen project
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2016, 11:55:55 am »
That looks really neat but seems it would serve better in the fashion of regular heating element I stead of running water thru it.
Thanks for sharing....never seen anything like that before.

Hi Kevin,

After doing some pre work, i find out that this might be a very efficient way for heater oil or water.
Of course if you have a close circuit for house warming, then it might fit better then a flowing water one.
The thing is that i am privately looking for the running water solution. All devices consume at least 6kw, if you choose for a NON boiler system. So no water reservoir.

My test with just 6 little magnets and a copper pipe , like in the video, worked very good.

My findings sofar:
It works very good, if you keep the distance magnet vs copper is as close as you can get.
It works better if the copper is as thin as possible.
Its more efficient if you use a spindel and not a wheel, as the force at the axle is much more efficient then far away from the axle.
I think if i make 2 or maybe 3 tube sets as shown in the video and put them in serie, i must have hot running water, made by 2 or 3 sets of 6 magnets and a motor.
I still have to do power consumption tests with and without load to see how much power it really consumes, but my first impressions are very very positive.


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Re: Another non hydrogen project
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2016, 12:02:02 pm »
Maybe you guys can help me a little bit with my thought proces.

What if i use the copper tubes as coil and not only collect heat but also current? The coil should be insulated from earth.
Its a coil with turning magnets.........
Making it even more effficient...

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Re: Another non hydrogen project
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2016, 20:13:51 pm »
It does look like this might be capable of sourcing a pretty good electrical current.

This thing could, or could be producing cavitation of the delocalized electron charge carrier cloud throughout the skin effect volume of copper.  (Can you find these electrons in electrolysis water?)

What if the thin copper heating cylinder were cut into a C, then the ends connected so as to make it a Mobius Strip?  (Equivalent to a bifilar coil.)  Would the magnets keep turning on their own?

It's curious that it only heats to a point with water inside the heat exchanger pipe.  Water is diamagnetic.  Or else, maybe the magnets need to be tapered out with a slightly larger gap at one end?

I'm going to think about spinning the magnets around some plasma.

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Re: Another non hydrogen project
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2016, 02:39:09 am »
Maybe you guys can help me a little bit with my thought proces.

What if i use the copper tubes as coil and not only collect heat but also current? The coil should be insulated from earth.
Its a coil with turning magnets.........
Making it even more effficient...

The thin copper cylinder produces heat through the skin effect.  How much magnetism will penetrate this?  Using the copper tubes as a generator coil might require eliminating the cylinder, but it should work.