Author Topic: The VIC with resonant cavity project by Steve..  (Read 152145 times)

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Re: The VIC with resonant cavity project by Steve..
« Reply #160 on: May 07, 2015, 22:50:38 pm »
No disrespect to you brother.
There is not really a fight going on, It is just simply the truth being told . The truth about people needs to be known. We were sharing nicely our progress.
Then out of nowhere we were attacked by slade, perhaps approached aggressively is a better way to put it. Either way, we are good guys working tirelessly so the world can truly be a better place, with no expectation of a return on investment, and I will not allow, or accept anyone trying to blur the truth for people, I have learned a lot of lessons during my time in this research, The main lesson for me is that sheep come in wolves clothing posing as good people. Greed is what most researchers really are about. Evil presents itself in all forms.

Here is my Vic card that Neal decided to slander and say its a P.O.S.
its a exact replica of Stan's and works just like Stan's...
just locks on with no bubbles..

Not sure where Neal gets the idea to talk bad about my work and act like he knows who I am and says hes speaking the truth about me.. Other than him trying to sell boards.. I DON'T CARE if you sell boards LIKE I SAID the ones i drew that max sold some of i don't have a monthly/weeky/ daily/ or yearly check coming from them. So for you to portray me in a way that i am not and that all im interested in is money is F'ed up..

I really dont want to have to even send this message and add yet more drama to your thread steve but I cant just let someone walk all over me and paint a false picture of who i am. just because they feel they know the absolute.. only the creator himself knows the real truth of a man.. For you to act like you know me is just plain wrong.. we have maybe had 2 short conversations on facebook in our entire life.. maybe crossed paths in forum discussion in the past.. and you feel like you know who i am. haha what a jerk

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Re: The VIC with resonant cavity project by Steve..
« Reply #161 on: May 07, 2015, 23:12:29 pm »
No disrespect to you brother.
There is not really a fight going on, It is just simply the truth being told . The truth about people needs to be known. We were sharing nicely our progress.
Then out of nowhere we were attacked by slade, perhaps approached aggressively is a better way to put it. Either way, we are good guys working tirelessly so the world can truly be a better place, with no expectation of a return on investment, and I will not allow, or accept anyone trying to blur the truth for people, I have learned a lot of lessons during my time in this research, The main lesson for me is that sheep come in wolves clothing posing as good people. Greed is what most researchers really are about. Evil presents itself in all forms.

Here is my Vic card that Neal decided to slander and say its a P.O.S.
its a exact replica of Stan's and works just like Stan's...
just locks on with no bubbles..

Not sure where Neal gets the idea to talk bad about my work and act like he knows who I am and says hes speaking the truth about me.. Other than him trying to sell boards.. I DON'T CARE if you sell boards LIKE I SAID the ones i drew that max sold some of i don't have a monthly/weeky/ daily/ or yearly check coming from them. So for you to portray me in a way that i am not and that all im interested in is money is F'ed up..

I really dont want to have to even send this message and add yet more drama to your thread steve but I cant just let someone walk all over me and paint a false picture of who i am. just because they feel they know the absolute.. only the creator himself knows the real truth of a man.. For you to act like you know me is just plain wrong.. we have maybe had 2 short conversations on facebook in our entire life.. maybe crossed paths in forum discussion in the past.. and you feel like you know who i am. haha what a jerk

You just cant leave well enough alone.........i will dig up an email from your business partner max miller green water energy concepts, which you are partnered to, stating to me that slade effed up that board and he wont even use it, but if I can get it to work , let him know how to do it.....That's where all this stems from , Your business partner ...I did not say that you were a bad person, wanting to make a living off of something for sale don't make you bad, what makes it bad is there are people who bought that board without warning that it does not work properly. Now they have a useless 120 dollar POS....I do know about you from your partners...
And if your partners within the same company have no conscience about cheating someone, well?? that is your company as well is it not ?

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Re: The VIC with resonant cavity project by Steve..
« Reply #162 on: May 08, 2015, 01:02:12 am »
I do not have a business partner... me and max were doing work together and started off the with the approach of business partners but that never stemmed out to anything.. No ones business really but according to you it is.. 

People cant get stans circuits to work not because its no good.. but because they lack the patients, knowledge/ or experience to assemble it right.. My board is a replica so it needs to be set up with jumper wires just like stans and needs other circuits like the gating signal  and the analog stuff. 

The problems with my vic not making bubbles could be related to several things,
transformers not right, resonant cavity is not right, other never spoke of crucial electronics for proper functionality not presented or thought of..

Max never tried the circuits when i was using them even though i insisted him and ed should.. neither were interested in messing with and both were more interested in telling how to try it and do it.. I did my own studies and trials.. i did not get any results.. the circuit performed as described by stan and locks on but with no bubbles..

your email from max saying
"stating to me that slade effed up that board and he wont even use it"

could that be max saying he f'ed up that board for just the simple fact it did not have a result of lots of bubbles and that was max's assumption? well if its not working it must be because outlaw built the board wrong.. then you ask max " hey whats up with outlaws vic?" he blurts out how he feels its going.

This is the only thing i could see as max meaning by that because my board is not messed up! all the traces are correct.  so max says something he believes based on my results ( no bubbles)
and you take it as gods honest truth literally that slade designed the board wrong.. then go run your mouth like you know what your talking about.

Ive actually drawn up 3 different Vics neal and the first one works too! here is a video of the second one! My third one was a replica layout!


But just so you know I dont give two craps what that email says with a guy i was working with (max) a  couple years ago with initial business intentions that faded out to nothing .. I'm no ones business partner understand? Or do i need to say it another time?

 I think this is all childish and wish i didnt have to sit here and defend myself.

In the beginning i had some issues with locking on at all because i had a wrong valued cap in the lock detection circuit.. fixed that.. not a trace error.. just a component value error..

The thing is im not out to make tons of money.. if it gets figured out by me or someone else i wouldnt mind making a well paid career or business opportunity out of it..

I'm not going  to cater to people who buy the circuit i drew up..
If they are passionate about the circuit they bought they would be learning it like they should to truly understand the nature of the circuit.. so the fact they dont get a turn key circuit and have to put it together and learn it then get frustrated and say they got a junk circuit because they lack ability.. That's their problem.. I'm not here to hold people hands in learning. whos here to hold my hand?

Recently I started drawing a new Vic circuit that i think will be more versatile in experimenting with. Allowing advanced control of certain aspects of it.
this is more of a time to time hobby for me now and not a obsession..
but im sure if i stumble across results with my part time hobby or worthy new info it would become a obsession again.
But most of all its NOT a business for me like you KEEP trying to state.

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Re: The VIC with resonant cavity project by Steve..
« Reply #163 on: May 08, 2015, 01:46:46 am »
If you guys figured it out im happy for you and cant wait to see it.. im not a poor sport i dont care where it comes from i want to see it and do it too! just like everyone else... but i mean i dont see the point of making the car run to prove you got it.. all you should be proving is the method of production to the world.. everything else would fall in place and engineered for mass production..

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Re: The VIC with resonant cavity project by Steve..
« Reply #164 on: May 19, 2015, 04:39:58 am »
Slateoutlaw is it!? I have one of your VIC PCB Boards I paid $120 for. thought I see they are now $159 at the Stanley Meyers web shop now.
I have traced it out from the estate pictures and have found at least 4 mistakes!
Missing components values?!?!?!? there is no support for this card at all!
I have asked Max And Per in the passed for help on no avail.

I really regret buying it now and am deeply disturbed that Max and Per are still trying to sell the defected batch.
I personally would never sell anything if I new it was never going to work as stated! or if I was not able to help or support others get it going, as they paid for a product that they were told was good.

You will notice that even Max does not use this VIC board!

knowing what I no now, I feel I was ripped off! I feel cheated by them. and I learned a big lesson! Talk is cheap and Max is a liar and Per is ignorant of what he is selling.

Maybe your PCB board is from a good batch outlaw!.....I would need to see both sides of it oe check.... but the board I got is not correct!

You say your not here to hold other peoples hand and that might be so if your not making any monetary gain here now on the boards.....but I am afraid holding peoples hand or helping them is why we are all here is it not? plus if you were to sell stuff in that same time frame you are obligated to support the product you are creating funds from!

In my case.... Per Ritter  or Max should have offered the support!

None given nor a refund was ever granted.

« Last Edit: May 19, 2015, 04:55:43 am by Ant »

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Re: The VIC with resonant cavity project by Steve..
« Reply #165 on: May 19, 2015, 05:07:43 am »
And there are others, but I did not want to drag others into this...
This is getting old now....Back at it full speed next week, I have had a great time relaxing in Cuba for the past week.
Things will move along even better now

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Re: The VIC with resonant cavity project by Steve..
« Reply #166 on: May 19, 2015, 14:48:30 pm »
Slateoutlaw is it!? I have one of your VIC PCB Boards I paid $120 for. thought I see they are now $159 at the Stanley Meyers web shop now.
I have traced it out from the estate pictures and have found at least 4 mistakes!
Missing components values?!?!?!? there is no support for this card at all!
I have asked Max And Per in the passed for help on no avail.

I really regret buying it now and am deeply disturbed that Max and Per are still trying to sell the defected batch.
I personally would never sell anything if I new it was never going to work as stated! or if I was not able to help or support others get it going, as they paid for a product that they were told was good.

You will notice that even Max does not use this VIC board!

knowing what I no now, I feel I was ripped off! I feel cheated by them. and I learned a big lesson! Talk is cheap and Max is a liar and Per is ignorant of what he is selling.

Maybe your PCB board is from a good batch outlaw!.....I would need to see both sides of it oe check.... but the board I got is not correct!

You say your not here to hold other peoples hand and that might be so if your not making any monetary gain here now on the boards.....but I am afraid holding peoples hand or helping them is why we are all here is it not? plus if you were to sell stuff in that same time frame you are obligated to support the product you are creating funds from!

In my case.... Per Ritter  or Max should have offered the support!

None given nor a refund was ever granted.

Thats why i aways wanted to just give the schematics of my pll circuit  and refused to buy from the start=) anyway even if i just posted the schematic some people is normal and have question but some people came to me like if i was obliged to make it work for all.. even if it was for free hehe

For me it were really more important to know what each pin was doing!

i remember to catch some errors in some pcb that were being sold a few time ago (i don't want to mention any names) ... very basic errors but i tried to point them so those selling it could maybe improve their design.. I was very ignored in my regard but in the end i think they have updated it...

I got Ronny and Neals boards almost assembled here but i'm damn sure its going to do what they tell me if i just use the right components. the boards are amazing!

thanks by the way for the great job on it guys!

Cuba may be the best place in the world today!

Happy for you!

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Re: The VIC with resonant cavity project by Steve..
« Reply #167 on: May 31, 2015, 22:06:44 pm »
All coils are wounded by hand.
My version of the VIC and cell are done now.
Next step: soldering my pcb of my new sqaurewave board...
