Author Topic: A long time builder says hello  (Read 13847 times)

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A long time builder says hello
« on: June 25, 2013, 02:54:19 am »
I'd like to say hello to the members of this forum - I'm Electrotek.  I've been in the field of Alt-Energy
since 1961 (52 years).  Since I made it onto the Internet at the turn of the Millenium, I've been able to
share some of my discoveries, and understanding, as well as some of the things I've been shown by
others.  I always give credit where credit is due, but I have made some significant advances on my own.

One area I'm particularilly fond of is Scalar Art.  This comes easy for me, since it's intuitive, almost to the
point of being some kind of ancestral memory.  Here's a picture of a Scalar Interferonomy effect I've

This shouldn't be confused with the so-called Tesla Howitzer, since my effect is very short range.  People
who are familiar with the Caduceus will recognize that my effect is genuine.  In operation, that device has
an energy spot on the side of the top ball electrode.  When the Caduceus is slowly rotated to the right, the
position of the energy spot moves to the left.  This is the same as my effect:  when my tube is rotated
slightly to the right, the position of the projected image moves to the left.

I've also reverse engineered Ed Gray's Electrical Conversion Tube, on my workbench.  Along the way, I
discovered what he meant by "splitting the positive".  So I've been able to demonstrate visible
Longitudinal Energy, in the form of electrical sparks.  I've documented a lot of this research at the
Heretical Builders forum:

Here's my video showing a large volume Plasmoid discharge, using a mini particle accelerator:

This video is important because it shows how an electromagnet can repel a piece of steel, with quite a bit
of force.  When I include a small amount of water in the discharge, the fireball is bigger, with a deep red

Besides these things, I'm also an expert in the field of Inertial Propulsion (active since 1965).  Here's my
video which shows "extraordinary proof" that IP is possible.  (Quoting Carl Sagan.)  My machine moves
straight up into the air, then, when there's nothing to push off against, it generates a thrust impulse
which causes it to move forwards as it comes down.  As far as I know, no one else has shown a
"downwards hop".

I've also conducted experiments in many other areas.  But I joined this forum in honor of the upcoming
Stan Meyer Day, thinking that I might provide something which will help advance efforts to reclaim his
technology.  On the side, I'm also working on Meyer's water rocket, which will only require about a gallon
of water to reach orbit.

Jerry Volland

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Re: A long time builder says hello
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2013, 14:07:42 pm »
Hi Electrotek,

Welcome to Ionizationx!
With Stan Meyer to the moon sounds like a good idea to me  ;)

Feel free to have a projectsection for your own, if you like.

Best regards

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Re: A long time builder says hello
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2013, 17:13:08 pm »
Hi Steve,

Thank you for the welcome message.

Yes, a Water Rocket to the moon is an excellent idea.  Manned space exploration is much more appealing than sending out robotic missions.  I want to see the STARS when I'm out there.  And it will be to Stan Meyer's credit.  His various patents include *almost* all of the necessary elements.  But, as he said, some of the information must be kept secret.  I just watched The Avengers on Netflix, and the most memorable line was with the advent of a compact, high performance Independently Derived Power Source "the planet will be ready for a higher level of war".  There's still too much political unrest to be publishing plans for a new and improved rocket motor.

I'm using an LC circuit which produces an ionizing radiation.  Most of what I might post would fit under existing boards, and I really don't have time to start a blog type presentation.  However, it might be nice to have a "Stan Meyer Day" board where new ideas can be posted.

Best Regards to you.


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Re: A long time builder says hello
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2013, 12:14:51 pm »
Hi Steve,

Thank you for the welcome message.

Yes, a Water Rocket to the moon is an excellent idea.  Manned space exploration is much more appealing than sending out robotic missions.  I want to see the STARS when I'm out there.  And it will be to Stan Meyer's credit.  His various patents include *almost* all of the necessary elements.  But, as he said, some of the information must be kept secret.  I just watched The Avengers on Netflix, and the most memorable line was with the advent of a compact, high performance Independently Derived Power Source "the planet will be ready for a higher level of war".  There's still too much political unrest to be publishing plans for a new and improved rocket motor.

I'm using an LC circuit which produces an ionizing radiation.  Most of what I might post would fit under existing boards, and I really don't have time to start a blog type presentation.  However, it might be nice to have a "Stan Meyer Day" board where new ideas can be posted.

Best Regards to you.


Hi jerry,
With LC circuit that produces ionization radiation you mean an air purifier?
Something with HV and needles and so?


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Re: A long time builder says hello
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2013, 18:53:54 pm »

Hi jerry,
With LC circuit that produces ionization radiation you mean an air purifier?
Something with HV and needles and so?


I'm actually getting ionization on the atomic level.  When I discharge the circuit, the spectral colors of the
atoms which are present will show up in the spark.  Here are some examples of the colors:

copper - green
tin - blue
carbon - yellow
water - orange
methane (Sabatier) - red
thorium - dark blue

The circuit produces a complex waveform containing bidirectional potentials consisting of emf from the
capacitor and cemf from the coil.  Nikola Tesla referred to this waveform as 'stationary waves'.  Modern
day engineers use the term 'standing waves' for the bidirectional energy, which is an unfortunate
misnomer.  Dr. Tesla used this term when discussing longitudinal waves, which comprise two out phased
waves moving in the same direction.  To simplify the matter, I use 'biphasic' for bidirectional potentials
and 'split phase' for unidirectional, longitudinal potentials.  Here's a picture of a split phase longitudinal
spark which shows two potentials spiraling around each other, in the same direction (ie, standing waves):

The longitudinal energy pumps charge carriers and can be used to separate electrons from ions.

Interesting stuff,  Jerry.
So, first you put the charge from the capacitor thru a spark and then the charge of a coil?
Or are both discharged in the same direction?

And that in some kind of lc resonance circuit?

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Re: A long time builder says hello
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2013, 23:32:50 pm »

Tell me a bit more about your explanation of standing waves...
Herman Anderson was talking about this, but i could not understand what he meant.

What do you want to achieve with your setup with the acc plate spark?

I appreciate your openess and technicall vision :-)


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Re: A long time builder says hello
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2013, 04:28:44 am »
Your work sounds very interesting ...looking forward to having time to look deeper  8)

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Re: A long time builder says hello
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2013, 09:25:52 am »
My current build with the gradient plate will have an enclosed arc chamber, with three inlet
ports, one for steam, one for externally produced HHO, and one for air, including CO2.  I really like Jon
Able's injector diagram, and I think a single port for each input will be adequate in the beginning.  I
previously had a plate with an enclosed arc which allowed me to add liquid water, but this didn't always
work.  h2opower pointed out that liquid water has a capacitance which has to be just right.  So I'm going
to try using steam, and see what happens.

And I'm building an HHO unit which uses stainless steel sauce cups, like I saw on YouTube.  If this works,
I'll start a thread on the Members' projects board, and take it from there.


Hi Jerry,

How hot you think, does your sparks get? Is it hotter then a normal spark?
