Author Topic: epg  (Read 18952 times)

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Re: epg
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2011, 23:44:00 pm »
I finished the "magnitization tube" to magnetize the gas! I also have a very small air pump and I'm going to put it in a PVC pipe just like my water pump for my cell, but I think it is way to small! I've been looking for some kind of transfer air pump but I can't find one anywhere. Anyone know where I can find something like this?

I had an idea a few weeks ago that I'm still thinking about trying if my first set up works at all. What if we took a normal electrolysis cell and hooked the output gas to a modified epg. between the epg and the cell would be magnets to magnitis the gas. now for the modified epg, it would not be a closed loop tube, the magnetized Hho would flow into a small long epg tube and exit the other end to be used in an engine or whatever. With this setup the gas would be pushed by the cell and wouldn't need a pump. The gas could still be used to creat electricity after it has produced electricity running through the epg. their would be nothing stopping someone from adding more epg tubing and remagnitising the gas.
let me know if this makes sense, I've never been the best at explaining things

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Re: epg
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2011, 02:06:56 am »
steve tried this couple of years ago.

Stan talks about using the gas pressure to move a turbine that moves the epg gas. The hho is not the magnetizable gas and is dangerous ask steve...


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Re: epg
« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2011, 02:51:48 am »
Thanks sebs, I'll talk to steve about it.

Have you read the Canadian patent? it doesn't call for anything but Hho and magnets. The similar amarrican patent calls for magnetic particles in the Hho and no magnets.

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Re: epg
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2011, 09:29:29 am »
I see from you fotos you're using copper tubing to pass the hho but would that not produce a current through the tubing itself? In the epg patents Stan also mentions using a NON-conducting tube. Since i am also working on a EPG i would also like to know why magnetized gas particles would be more dangerous?

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Re: epg
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2011, 09:52:38 am »
I wasn't very clear... i wanted to mean that using the HHO gas as the gas to be magnetized is dangerous cause it is explosive. Actually meyer used the HHO pressure to run a turbine that transfer this mechanical energy to the epg with the magnetizable gas (argon and iron ions) so as to generate electricity witch is feedback into the cell so the more gas you produce the more feedback and consequently more gas come out... This is a exponential function, if for example you could recover 99% of the energy than for every watt you input you would have worth 99 times or so, more gas out per watt... There is a graph somewhere in my posts called resonance feedback.... where i calculated the gain in energy in function of the feedback efficiency.. If i remember well if you get 90% feedback you get a gain factor of 10.

However is somewhat dangerous, if your pressure become to great the gas will explode- so be careful if trying this stuff

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Re: epg
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2011, 14:24:09 pm »
Sharky, a plastic tube may be better but I'm using copper for now because that's what Stan did,

Sebs, Your talking about one of stan's final epg designs with a permanently magnetic gas, which requires the hydrogen gas gun to make. This project is a replication of stans simplest patent, the Canadian epg. As for the gas being dangerous under presure, that's true. That's why the patent explains that you should increase presure of the epg with a non combustible gas

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Re: epg
« Reply #14 on: June 25, 2011, 21:44:00 pm »
Actually i meant this one.. Stan made many designs...

I think the magnetized particles will have a kind of monopole...only north for example so stan could get them repealed by a similar polarity, so he could make a closed loop where the particles are moved by HHo generated flow and the hho can be collected while the magnetized gas remain in the epg this also need a pump cause otherwise the particles would not want to go in that direction, it would go on the direction of least energy.. This would be the electrical gas generator..

The epg uses magnetized gas, it only require the right dc arc temperature to make, a vacuum pump, argon gas, iron(B+) and a magnet..... So tubes should handle the vacuum... maybe not... maybe you can just keep flowing the new gas into it and close it after a while to assure you have mostly this gas inside the closed tube...

The tubes should be non magnetic and bad conductors or they will represent a shorted turn... witch leads me to think would be better to use ss 304 material...

you need to consider how many particles are getting vaporized to calculate the flow rate of argon into the spark gap... there is an optimum ratio.

If the thing is really copper, maybe the shorted turn could have a meaning... but actually i believe it does not... I think it could be 304 coated with enamel that resembles copper coated, cause of the enamel color...

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Re: epg
« Reply #15 on: June 25, 2011, 23:18:28 pm »
Sebs, i was thinking the same thing, I don't have the proper equipment so I'll simply let the gas flow through the tubes for a few min before I presurise it. the magnetic gas is still
A mistrey to me, I've seen people using park gaps and add the proper elements without success, at this time I'm not interested in trying to create the magnetized gas stan talks about, at least until I have everything done on the resonance cell that I can do. idk about a monopolir gas? I don't see how it would make a difference? 304 makes sense and would be easier to work with, only further testing and money input will tell