Check this out: person ever tried this as far as i have seen.
Here his results:
Pls check this link.
Frankly speaking, I was septic at the beginning when I saw those video.
Playing with jar, I did it a long time ago.
But I tried and I was surprised rgding the amount of gas product, the power from it and the way this electro magnets is working.
I drop the jar, the cups, I prefer to use plexi and 316L plates.
KOH instead of baking soda.
In fact the vacuum idea is important in this.
I made a test.
exactly the same cell use with and without vacuum.
Without vacuum the burning temp. of the gas was 2400'C
With, 8500'C.
It was the maximum of the thermometer.
Why? I don't know.Theoreticly, the vacuum help photons to "get free".More mobile.
Gas quantity was the same, electrolyte, the same(KOH),
I didn't change anything except plugging the hose to a pump to make a vacuum.