Author Topic: Steve's theory on the GEET  (Read 4305 times)

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Steve's theory on the GEET
« on: November 06, 2009, 15:26:51 pm »
Cracking vapours by use of the Geet.

I had once made a waterfuelcell that ran with use of any current.
That research comes now at hand, because i think we have the same issue here.
Another thing to know: Petrol = hydrogen
Most of you dont know this, but when you run an engine on petrol, you actually run on hydrogen, which in the petrol.

So, what do we try with the geet? We try to mix water with petrol, or something like that.
So, the water needs to break down into H and O, is it.....
Heeeee, that looks like my self running waterfuelcell........

Pantone is a little it. I like that man because he shared this invention and i really feel sorry for what happend with him in jail and so on.
Why a dipshit? Because the plans he was sharing where INDEAD the WORST Geet plans ever, accoording to his own words.
Never asked yourself why he said that? " Its a good start setup", he said.....argggggggg
Yeh, right. Ok, you get familair with the 2 tubes and the rod. Also with water/petrol mixing and air thruputs and outputs.
So, how does it work?

Somebody said:.. Why does some geets work and others dont?
I think i have the answer.
There are multiple forces working here.
Hot cold heat exchanger. Making vapour or single molecules or atoms out of vapour.
Magnetisme is the result of a force inside, probably the result of current flow inside the reactor.
Current? Why and how? Whats causing this?

2 things.
1. the heatexchanger is creating electrons. When molecules are split in atoms, electrons will be freed in the proces.
When electrons flow in a potential difference situation, you will have current. Current creates a magnetic field.
That explains the magnetic field.
2. the other element, which is not spoken of, is the potential difference between 2 different materials.
In our case, if you have a geet with build with a SS outer, inner and rod, then the natural pot.diff is almost not there. There is always some, but in that case almost zero.
What happens if you take an outertube of Stainless steel, an innertube of iron and a rod of aluminium, for example.
I tell you. You just created an empty battery. If you measure with a voltmeter the voltage between the aluminium rod and the iron innertube, you will measure like 2 volts.
Now add the extra freed electrons to that and you will get some electric power.
Yes, some of us measure AMPS around the geet, did they....
Now, what happens with water if you put that between 2 electrodes?
You will get electrolysis. Water will split in hydrogen and oxygen.
What is the most effecient way to get hydrogen and oxygen?
By electrolysis of STEAM. It doesnt take much energy to break down steam into H and O.

I have seem many demo's on youtube, mostly. By Pantone, by others.
What did they all put in the bublers?
I heard things like PICKLE JUICE and other accits.....
What does that do with water and the electrolysis proces? Yes. indead. That makes the water become more conductive.
I have used KOH or NAOH in my waterfuelcells. I also tried pickle juice too!
You can even pee in it, if you want to.
It all makes the water more conductive.

So, the ideal Geet: make sure the rod is a different material then the innertube and better is to use 3 different materials for those 3 components.
The best rod material is the one that creates the best potential difference. (google on corrosion between aluminium and Stainless steel. Thats because of that pot.difference)

Water: add something to make it more conductive. Like salt (hmmm chlorine..not good), KOH or NAOH.

Hopes this helps!



« Last Edit: November 06, 2009, 15:42:35 pm by Steve »

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Re: Steve's theory on the GEET
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2009, 17:24:26 pm »

 Not many comments to your posts, but, I'm reading every one.

  I'm sure you know it takes heat to combust Diesel-Kerosene, etc. A spark will not do it.

  I once had an International Gasoline-Diesel power unit for my sawmill. It started on gasoline, by throwing a lever and relieving some compression. It would NOT run above a pre set idle. Once it warmed up the intake and cylinders, you threw the lever in the reverse position, and cut off the gasoline supply.

  It would NEVER start on Diesel alone, unless it was operating temperature, and had a strong battery.

  I'm thinking if you could warm the fuel, before running it through the geet, it might help.

  Also, might consider pulling the head off the engine, and having it shaved down a bit, to increase compression. Too much shaving, and you could have trouble blowing the gasket, but, I'm fairly certain it would help to run on alternate fuels.

  I have an 8HP Honda gasoline engine, but, am waiting for you to get good results, before I ruin mine. I want to hook up a modded truck alternator to help cut down our electric bill. Thieves here just doubled the rates.CR uses a LOT of water power generation.  ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)