Great job Haithar , I see this was done without a diode , plz see the effect with a diode , investigate further , dont give up on SM .
this was only a picture taken from wikipedia, not what i really have. i don't own a digital oscilloscope or a digital system to record everything, only an analog one.
the waveform should be more or less the same of course, they used a diode to filter the back emf.
The voltage as seen by the choke would resemble the red current exponential curve.
How is the current from the collapsing field inhibited? By the second choke? Is it inhibited at all?
No, this was direct current, there were always Uo (5V) over the coil. The current is inhibited by the voltage caused by Lenz law, only for a short amount of time when using direct current like on the picture, but if you are sending in pulses of voltage there is a sharp voltage spike created everytime.
i guess the second choke helps to inhibit the current, but i still don't get why meyer connected them opposing each other.
now after you mentioned hyiq, he has quite an interesting setup. 23.2Watts for this amount of hydrogen could be more than you'd normally get.
Is this a coil after the transformer? The black thing in the middle which is connected with 4 cables, 2 from the transformer, 2 to the cells.