The capture shows a sweep of 50 micro-seconds per division. The pulses seen on the scope occur almost every 50usecs which places the frequency at 20kHz. This is a relatively low frequency and easily negotiated by any micro and most definitely by my PPC. I have set it at 20KHz and a PW of 600nsec 3-Ph. I'll make a short vid to show you all - if interested ... just reply.
I hope I'm correct about the scope sweep. If the full sweep is 50usec, then the frequency is 200KHz ... still relatively easy to negotiate.
" ... Oh, you'll want to be careful about pulse repetition rate, ie operational
frequency. When W made a mistake in his clock divisor value, he accidentally
hit 428 Khz instead of 42.8 khz. The resulting avalanche fried his toroid and HC
board ..."