Author Topic: 6.5hp generator made ready for HHO  (Read 51068 times)

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Re: 6.5hp generator made ready for HHO
« Reply #56 on: September 08, 2010, 01:42:07 am »
Long story short:
When the H and O explode, you will get watervapour back, which has less volume.
So, if the piston is too slow after the explosion, it will be slowed down more by decrease of pressure on the re-combination of the H and into vapour.....
Maybe i can adjust the valves even more, like open the exhaust valve as early as possible orso.
Or the timing of the piston and the crank...'
Anybody suggestions? Need some now, please.......

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Re: 6.5hp generator made ready for HHO
« Reply #57 on: September 08, 2010, 02:09:31 am »
Steve what is happening? Isn´t the motor runing with only hho?

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Re: 6.5hp generator made ready for HHO
« Reply #58 on: September 08, 2010, 05:31:42 am »
the only way i can imagine doing what stan was doing is the full process.. ionized air mixing with fuel gas.. i think stan could *  the flame long enough to condese at the state of exiting the cylinder..

stan says it will continue to release thermal energy until balance is met.. so that means it will contiune to realase a expansive effect until balanced.. thermal energy is expanding energy..
you just need to expand the duration of release by retarding the fuel which i realy beleve is the ionized gas.

i would find it quiet interesting to experiment with a stor bought ionizer hooked to intake with fuel gasses being introduced right after the ozone and send right into intake. just as stan was doing.. although i dont know the quantity of ozone stan was creating to run the buggy..

 heres a example of what i would try maybe steve..

you probably can find one cheaper but im looking at 150-300mg/hour runs from 99- 300 bucks this one has a built in pump!

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Re: 6.5hp generator made ready for HHO
« Reply #59 on: September 08, 2010, 09:13:52 am »
Hi Steve,
i have grappled with the explode implode terory for many years. I once saw a demonstration of an engine (modified GEO) which was converted to an engine that was best described as a detonation engine rather than an ignition ehgine. I was able to take advantage of the immediate explosion and also with the use of water vappour any excess heat.
I feel there is something into what the =Anton people have said and they have a pretty powerfull ignition system.
To me if you can capture the explosion then the implosion you could take advantage of both. however the way the valves are timed now and the distance the pistion has to travel this is not possible. The question is at what point does the explosion become the implosion.
If you did not want the implosion slowing the piston down i would have the exhaust valve openning almost imediatly after ignition has taken place. However I am only guessing here.
Putting the above aside it would be a good experiment to see how much fuel you need to make yours a self runner and compare this with normal consumption under the same load.

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Re: 6.5hp generator made ready for HHO
« Reply #60 on: September 08, 2010, 10:46:11 am »
One of the Anton group said something about modifing the engine into a way that the explosion and implosion mustnt work against eachother....
So i went reading.

Don't be confused, they didn't make more changes than ignition timing and waste spark + right air/hho ratio when they first ran it.
Also it's unlikely that HHO will explode and then implode, it's the other around.
The gas implodes to water very fast, but because of the excess heat the water drops get heated to steam again and explode. steam has about the same volume than hho gas so a third (expandable) gas (air) is needed to put the expansion to work.
an ignition degree of 5-8° before TDC (in comparison to the 15-20° with gas(?)) has apparently proven to be the best by the user.

do you get full voltage now with your generator Steve? how much do you consume then?

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Re: 6.5hp generator made ready for HHO
« Reply #61 on: September 08, 2010, 10:59:44 am »
I dont get full voltage at this moment.....YET
I consume now between 1800 and 2000 watts
Making lots of HHO...
The Genset is 6.5hp and it can produce 2.2kw
I have maild you the email from them that they changed more then they publish..remember?
It seems that a short stroke engine has advantage above long stroke engines.
They use a much smaller piston/cylinder/stroke engine as i have. That might be the problem.

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Re: 6.5hp generator made ready for HHO
« Reply #62 on: September 08, 2010, 11:12:10 am »
Yes but they also said that they didn't change pistons etc. at the beginning of their tests, only later.

Of course there's the option that everythings faked (not a scam), but after all the work put into this.. hm

@ the articles you posted. Well they are not really helpful. The first one explains why there are many better options for welding than hydrogen/oxygen. The second examines the energy contents of hydrogen/oxygen with known facts from chemistry, of course there is no extra energy to be found.

the only "hope" would be unknown effects of hydrogen/oxygen (probably nascent and probably in combination with some carbon molecules).
« Last Edit: September 08, 2010, 11:29:57 am by haithar »

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Re: 6.5hp generator made ready for HHO
« Reply #63 on: September 08, 2010, 12:01:17 pm »
Yes but they also said that they didn't change pistons etc. at the beginning of their tests, only later.

Of course there's the option that everythings faked (not a scam), but after all the work put into this.. hm

@ the articles you posted. Well they are not really helpful. The first one explains why there are many better options for welding than hydrogen/oxygen. The second examines the energy contents of hydrogen/oxygen with known facts from chemistry, of course there is no extra energy to be found.

the only "hope" would be unknown effects of hydrogen/oxygen (probably nascent and probably in combination with some carbon molecules).

When they started, they didnt had a selfrunner.
Just after all the mods, they stated to have a selfrunner.
So, the question is: What did they exactly modify on the valves and cranktiming?