Author Topic: Working resonance circuit  (Read 55157 times)

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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #72 on: December 21, 2009, 22:23:29 pm »
in the same video he is putting water into that cell.. it shows a preasure gauge with rising preasure on that cell how did you conclude that is was under a vacuum? or is do u think the chokes are some how incorporated into the fuel cell?

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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #73 on: December 21, 2009, 22:28:08 pm »
I tried to do a simulation to create opposite voltages of equal size, works as a charge-pump.
Used a center-tapped transformer.

Maybe I got it mega wrong! ::)

$ 1 5.0E-6 0.41233529972698213 42 5.0 50
g 736 368 800 368 0
l 464 256 560 256 0 0.2 0.46392002014487865
d 592 256 656 256 1 0.805904783
169 400 336 464 336 0 0.2 1.0 0.45006014272370953 -0.4639200201448792
c 592 256 736 368 0 2.8E-7 1403.6467632373617
d 656 480 592 480 1 0.805904783
w 464 368 736 368 0
r 736 368 736 256 0 1000000.0
r 736 368 736 480 0 1000000.0
w 736 480 656 480 0
w 736 256 656 256 1
g 352 448 352 480 0
w 528 480 592 480 0
w 464 336 464 256 0
w 464 400 464 480 0
c 736 368 592 480 0 2.8E-7 1402.6533236931011
l 528 480 464 480 0 0.2 0.4567661576538239
R 272 336 208 336 0 1 672.552 12.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
w 352 448 352 400 1
d 352 400 352 336 1 0.805904783
w 560 256 592 256 0
w 272 336 352 336 0
w 352 400 400 400 0
w 400 336 352 336 0
o 8 64 0 35 2239.7447421778043 0.002734063405978765 0 -1
o 7 64 0 295 2239.7447421778043 0.002734063405978765 0 -1


Nice setup, Webmug.
You use 1mega ohm resistors as wfc.
I think that a little bit high... ;)
In my tests with tubes, i found resistance between 0.5 till 10 ohms..


Strange circuit :o, where is the potential coming from if you have max. 10 ohms cell, from inductor and choke???
My plate cell has 0 ohm but when its charging it rises to 7k ohm or more. My 6 parallel tubes cell has 1M ohms 1,5mm gaps? :-\


If you put 12V on your wfc, and it pulls 6amps.....How large is the resistance? 2 ohms!
The higher the voltage, the lower the resistance, and more amps are flowing...


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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #74 on: December 21, 2009, 22:33:53 pm »
Because was perfect to hide. yes you can use the magnetism too to change the things within the bound of water molecule but is not the most important. however i believe that were his coils on his car. I mean the choke is under vacuum because the isolation for the high voltage.

Have you heard about electromagnetic electrolysis?

« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 22:53:16 pm by sebosfato »

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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #75 on: December 21, 2009, 22:49:19 pm »
interesting perspective seb.. so u believe stan hid the chokes within the vessel the fuel cell is in and is in a separate chamber under a vacuum environment to eliminate the wires interaction with outer environment potentials such as noble gasses.. does this eliminate the heat factor?

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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #76 on: December 21, 2009, 22:56:32 pm »
Not the heat but the corona discharge that destroy the coil

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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #77 on: December 21, 2009, 23:00:47 pm »
Theres alot of new posts , great !

I hate a postless day .

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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #78 on: December 22, 2009, 12:01:06 pm »

If you put 12V on your wfc, and it pulls 6amps.....How large is the resistance? 2 ohms!
The higher the voltage, the lower the resistance, and more amps are flowing...

Thinking out loud:

Am I thinking wrong here? We do not want current to flow through the WFC!  We want to prevent this because we do NOT want dead-short-condition (conventional electrolysis). If we use current we are creating heat (losses).

The only current that flows, is feeding the primary of the transformer to power the charge-pump circuit.

Just as you explained, this circuit is charging itself with BEMF due to the AC resonance (give it a little low power push at a fixed period and amplitude is rising). Just like in nature all is in balance (oscillating circuit). If we do nothing, the system eventually dies.

In the simulation we can see the STEP-CHARGE, first low potentials then rising to a maximum value the components can handle. At low frequency (672Hz) the potential is rising very slow but it is rising, so higher frequency can be used to charge it faster. The component values are much smaller at higher frequencies.

Stan explained as we all know, that he used opposite potentials (of equal value) for PULLING the water molecules at the di-poles.

Yes, there is little current necessary to polarize the water for the fist step, to charge it to a min. of 2V (this value is obvious a fixed threshold) If we do not have current flowing, water is not responding (polarizing). We can polarize water with the CHARGE-PUMP for a fixed time period.

When this threshold is reached, we want to prevent dead-short-condition (gap-sparking). If this occurred, polarization must be done again from the beginning.
He prevented this with a gate-signal. When gating (no pulse) water is regaining its dielectric strength (more/less resistance) when we gate (pulse) there is even more potential because the charge-pump is already charged (EMF is cycling through the circuit). But the dielectric is changing (resistance) due to gas production, so the gating signal must also be compensated to prevent dead-short-condition.

Also this PULLING only works with min. of kV potentials, because the water molecules only wants to interact on this potential level.

Do circuit simulations yourself and see the CHARGE-PUMP STEP-CHARGING...


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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #79 on: December 22, 2009, 12:12:57 pm »
when meyer said oh we have to use 5 amps big deal he meant this because of the losses 5 amps flowing tru a resonant circuit of 2 ohms series resistance consumes 50 watts you see?