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General Discussion / Re: Modified Meyer Type Hydrogen Cell Revisited
« Last post by Login to see usernames on Today at 04:01:15 »

The Hydrostar design is offshute of the fantastic Meyer process. Chambers FLED to Canada after Meyer was poisoned in Ohio. He was chief technician for Meyer. Employees have to sign document that all designs he comes up with belongs to the company water Fuel Cell. The Hydrostar Patent shows magnetic field increasing energy of rising fuel ions from water solution. The Meyer cell had none of that. You can infer then, what happened to Meyer and why.
General Patents don't disclose all pertinent data. Don't think they do.
The best described US Patent I found was the Horvath Patent 3980053. (1of his 3) Car engine runs on 40 amps draw to circuit with alternator recharging battery. Improved electrolysis of water for Hydrogen fuel with high frequency + magnetic field for pulsing DC current. Misspelled words and minor errors found, but complete. Cell voltage was 30 volts pulsing DC at about 200 pulse amps. System is just a beefed up capacitor discharge power supply at 600watts.
You should already know about forming hydrogen from water using 2 magnets. PVC T fitting, N + S magnets , 2 steel bolts, duct tape, vinegar water put in center T. See bubbles hydrogen form immediately from fields pulling apart molecules of water to gases. You have to have an interest in a field to get data.
General Discussion / Re: Modified Meyer Type Hydrogen Cell Revisited
« Last post by Login to see usernames on Yesterday at 15:48:30 »
Wow! great Stuff. Thanks for the reply.
General Discussion / Re: Modified Meyer Type Hydrogen Cell Revisited
« Last post by Login to see usernames on Yesterday at 09:09:32 »
Hi RussrHHO,

I think that that patent was one of the first i took a better look at, many many years ago.
At those days i just started to do some tests with HHO.
As most of us know, is the burnrate of hydrogen very very quick and to move an engines piston, you need a much slower bang.
Thats why this Orto vs Para Hydrogen becomes interesting.....
For whatever reason, the atoms being released in a waterbath during electrolysis are able to change their massa, energy levels and burnrate.
This is not where many people on the forums are working with, sadly enough.
They always look at the litres per minute figures. Not at the amount of atomic mass, burnrate and so on.

I know that thaat is almost impossible to do, without the proper equipment, but i can share from my own experiences that the type of gas coming from a waterfuelcell who is charged with DC PULSES, in stead of strait DC, is much more potent and more able to run an engine then the gas produced with strait DC, unpulsed.

My 2 cents, based on study and not on tests, is that the Hydrogen Atom, when released from the bond during electrolysis and then going to be bond with another hydrogen atom will loose some of its power, and propably its own mass.
Thats why pulsed dc produced gas has more bang for the money.

Have a great day!

General Discussion / Re: Modified Meyer Type Hydrogen Cell Revisited
« Last post by Login to see usernames on January 13, 2025, 00:39:42 am »
 Hydrostar Hydrogen Generator Water Cell

The Hydrostar design from years ago was an AID to the gasoline engine. The water cell added to car engine compartment making improved efficiency hydrogen gas , only increased gas mileage by 25%. This design was available to general public with parts list. The original one in Canada , with full wiring, was over unity, as it used the original Meyer process. (DC Voltrolosis). (No electrolysis used) The info I present is just to keep people updated, in case a few may be interested.

A sample bench assembled Meyer Hydrogen Generator is a way better build project. If diode was omitted, then the resonant frequency AC vibrations will heat the water for high BTU external heater unit. (Microwave oven at 1000 watts is brute force type, as vibrations heat moisture that heats the food).  The heating effect has also been done with ultrasonic transducer head with feedback auto adjust oscillator circuit and ran from 9v battery pack.  You should already know these things. .
General Discussion / Modified Meyer Type Hydrogen Cell Revisited
« Last post by Login to see usernames on January 11, 2025, 16:57:11 pm »

The tv episode Mythbusters - called "Exploding Pants" is purchasable, and is about running a car engine on vertical water cell hooked to the carburetor, was a deliberate NEGATIVE set up. I counted 14 built in mistakes to not allow engine to run on hydrogen. The electrical circuit that was to be used was really called "The Hydrostar". The complete original design is on Internet for sale. I have paper manual , but it's now being sold as a computer disc. Mythbusters did not use proper design, nor did they implement the required magnetic wire coil. Even gas engines use air as part of the blend. Their carb was completely closed off. Real usable energy related material will never be shown on tv, local newspaper or on radio general news. You have to your own research and see what others have already done. The man who designed Hydrostar was one of Stan Meyer's technicians in Ohio before Meyer was poisoned . Chambers went to Canada and filed Canadian + US Patent on modified version of Meyer's work. His Xogen company had showed a display of HIS unit for publicity. The magnetic field energizes the rising ions in solution and increases energy content. Circular concentric pipe electrodes are superior to flat plate electrodes. Pulse quick current only for ALIGNMENT of water molecules polarity. Then pipes hit with high voltage DC pulses for way overunity hydrogen and oxygen gas. (No electrolysis at all)- that's old technology as of now. The Patent pages don't state it but, if flipping drawings pages back + forth , you can see it's easily done as connecting the wires of pipes to the resultant flyback high voltage coming from the wire coil. !! Hydrostar US Patent 6126794 by Chambers as studied and read for free on Internet. (Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
General Discussion / Re: S1R9A9M9 18HP Briggs riding mower engine ran on water( 2008)
« Last post by Login to see usernames on January 04, 2025, 05:02:33 am »

Nathren talks about use of the "magic relays" as associated with the 400Watt Inverter DC output to spark plugs. The car engines, - 4, 6, and 8cyl engines all use one dual coils relay per cylinder. Sealed Bakelite relay is under vacuum with many sets of internal contacts.  It has to do with interference with timing of ground connections under use. I originally thought it had to do with generation of 100v back EMF to add to system. Now of course, it means the original circuit diagram was wrong, - needs full wave DC 110v not half wave DC of 35v DC.
General Discussion / Re: Specs for Tesla Coil secondary ? Hydrogen from Steam.
« Last post by Login to see usernames on January 03, 2025, 19:26:00 pm »

There are HV and Tesla forums. Here is just one
Don't mention hydrogen, "free energy", steam or Hofman and you will get help.
Even just search the site for circuits.
a FBT already has DC output with HV diodes inside.

General Discussion / Specs for Tesla Coil secondary ? Hydrogen from Steam.
« Last post by Login to see usernames on January 02, 2025, 17:20:23 pm »

Specs for Tesla Coil secondary , and circuit specifically for 1.3MHtz?

During 1940's WW2, Hungarian scientist emigrated to US to keep his invention from the German Nazi war machine. After several years, he revealed data about his conversion of prop plane engine to run on water tank. Steam generator from exhaust heat formed vapors in chamber with SS screens for electrodes. Certain setting Tesla coil was applied , so as efficient hydrogen and oxygen fuel gases were generated and operated the engine. Is there someone knowledgeable to design circuit and parts for high voltage Mhtz oscillator ? Is quarter wave secondary coil necessary? Narrow, short, gray type high temperature PVC tube with #30 magnet wire, for about 15KV. See- The Hefferlin manuscript. On line , or back issue Sept 1946 Amazing Stories Magazine.
General Discussion / Old Patented Process Improved Efficiency Electrolysis Ran Engines On Water
« Last post by Login to see usernames on December 31, 2024, 04:19:56 am »
 Porous Aluminum Electrodes!

The vertical circular discs stack is perforated and is all aluminum electrodes. 1/2 plus + 1/2 minus 12v DC, separated by plastic insulated rings. The electrolysis Patented cell by Archie Blue in New Zealand was tested on 3 cars running on water to Hydrogen gas fuel of 40 amps power draw . (self running engine with alternator) The disc holes are staggered , so as the air crosses the whole surface and does a "clean sweep" of the stuck fuel ions, so they all go upward FASTER. He injected small air pressure at bottom of water cell from mattress pump. Engine speed adjusted with variable resistor. It was also stated, later, about Nitrogen Hydroxide being present as another fuel aid. The N ion from common air 78%, combines only in a solution with electrical charges present. The IMPROVED common electrolysis cell with electrolyte was tested on 3 cars after the US Patent came out. He was retired from new Zealand company where he had improved the efficiency of huge vats of electrolyte for electroplating of scissors. The output of hydrogen generator has to go to a safety water can with pop off valve first, before hose goes to the engine carb. The small type engines use a "spud in jet "copper tube at venturi point.
General Discussion / Re: S1R9A9M9 18HP Briggs riding mower engine ran on water( 2008)
« Last post by Login to see usernames on December 21, 2024, 00:41:36 am »
Waste Spark Removal Briggs Mower Engine For Hydrogen Conversions

I completed building the circuit for eliminating waste spark. It's the plug in bread board type, not soldered. It's easier to make adjustments later. Two photos for you today. I have handful of different magnet Hall sensors to try out and see which one should be used on engine with NORTH pole. Some of them are industrial with cables. Three wire type as +Vcc , grnd, and signal out. Most Halls are used for South pole reception.  You have to bend over the Hall for the rear side use, or reverse, and mount with bracket. I will use hand movable magnet north pole only for first tests. Then to switch over to my revolving wooden bench flywheel with magnet , Magnetron, and spark plug. First yellow Led is first state (Fire) , the red Led is 2nd state with relay switch on that shorts ignition to ground BEFORE magnet reaches T.D.C.  Then next passing point is reset back to first state fire. The other guy on Youtube who built his soldered type circuit years ago has my same name Russell. His board is similar to mine - not copied. I designed it myself. Plastic board put in miniature vise with strong lamp and use needle nose pliers. With 9v battery use, I design small circuits with 2 ma type, .002A led's. Most Led's are 20ma  .020A. The battery lasts longer, but those are expensive and are special order. You just change the resistors. Of course, 2 batteries can be put in parallel for more time. Yes, I'm still working on the S1R9A9M9 system.  'Questions?
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