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Nature Powered Devices / Strange Hover Craft Build from The Past
« Last post by Login to see usernames on December 04, 2024, 03:06:56 am »
The now late science man Mr. Baumgartner had built a small plywood hover craft, way back in time, that would lift any weight. Not using brute force air pressure method, but by the secret way that nature works. The 2 full pages with photos was amazing new science. Open up a top loading washing machine and take a photo to study. The turbine design was redone on computer programming for angles and using nature's spiral. You see, he tapped into the Energy of the Ether , the way Nature always does it. The galaxies, growing vines, pine cones, twister, tornado, hurricane, dust devil, all use the angle of the spiral to draw upon the unlimited energy available from the Ether. "Ether Physics". You probably never heard of it. John Keely of late 1800's worked with it too! He used a kid's train locomotive as electric motor. It was taken apart so as the windings of armature and fields were changed from parallel to series. He wanted speed instead of power for the turbine blades. Parts Mounted in tin opened can in center of circle plywood, over small hole. Power cord hooked up and the instant lifting effect happened with him on it.. Any weight was lifted. They later took it to town and lifted the front end of city bus with it. See also WW2 data on Shawberger German flying saucer design turbine. Be careful as certain factions may not want you to know this information. As the old Mission Impossible movie said, -- good luck, this tape will self destruct in 10 seconds.
General Discussion / Re: How To Increase High Volts Of Lawn Mower Ignition Coil?
« Last post by Login to see usernames on December 02, 2024, 05:18:51 am »
Another few  methods to note regarding increasing existing level of lawn mower high voltage output. Add another complete Magnetron to the left coil mount , with longer screw, so as the iron laminations are bolted to the laminations underneath, for same timing. The flywheel outer magnet will induce magnetism in both cores same time. The first regular output cable hooks to secondary wire of the other, - (not the one to ground) The 2nd cable then becomes the final increased voltage output. The second secondary is an added on secondary winding so as both together becomes a longer wire. Make sure the 2nd unit is facing the right way- there is notation embedded in the epoxy as direction. The pre 1982 Magneto has exposed 4 wires as primary and secondary. -- No embedded solid state trigger. Most ignition coils are called autotransformers with 3 terminals only. (primary hooked internal to secondary) Used armatures- Magnetos and Magnetrons on Ebay for sale.

The other method is to add 12v battery to the "tab" terminal , as part of primary side. The Briggs trigger built in will then short 12v instead of 5-8volts, and release higher than -130 volts to run the secondary side. The Tab terminal is normally on the underneath side of ignition coil as a shut down terminal for the lawn mower. By raising up the primary volts, the Back EMF generated by the shorting, will develop a higher secondary volts to run spark plug. Use diode in series with capacitor with 2nd capacitor hooked to ground. The charged cap will discharge it's voltage into the primary side as the overriding higher volts, than what the magnet induced.

Third method to get higher ignition volts is to add on another complete Magnetron to other side of flywheel activated by the same flywheel magnet. Output energy stored in blue 30KV capacitor that would be put in series with the regular output cable. (2 batteries in series has voltages added together) Extra spark gap needed so as no premature firing of plug. There would be 2 values of gap distances, since cap not wanted to fire until regular spark occurs. The total spark volts is divided up between the 2 spark gaps. 66% of rotating flywheel magnet is unused, useful energy..
Sebosfato / Re: My new approach
« Last post by Login to see usernames on November 29, 2024, 06:55:39 am »
Did you know that a multilayer coil will accumulate charge only at its outer layer surface ?

That because faraday cage effect caused by this outer layer of conductor

So when designing for electrostatics things like where the coil start and where it ends with a determined polarity play a big role

Meyer put the formula for the voltage potential in a dielectric where medium is r

I have this old idea that maybe the electric fields could themselves restrict the current but only today I found a way to combine it in a way that may be testable

The idea is to have two cells connected by a tube in form of u shape for example

Very pure water and  now a set of coils placing a very high voltage between the inner electrodes of the two cells

Than each cell has a isolated coil that feed it thru a diode half wave dc

This coil must have the polarity in such way to have the outer end of the coil connected to the inner electrodes

So the idea is that the inner electrode will act as a field zone creating a electric field that is dependent on the radius and voltage and radius

This electric field is sustained by the first coil mentioned that charges one cell in reference to the water thru the u shape tube

The current will be very small since water is pure and so they are pretty much at infinity from perspective of capacitance in relation to each other cell

So the field will be positive and negative if no diode is used and we could even add a ground in the middle of the u shape and apply positive only to both inner voltage zones

So perhaps this field can hold to the electrons impeding the outer electrodes that are positive  to make current flow

Indeed the charge should go to the outer electrode right but if the coil that feeds the cell has the outer wire connected to the inner electrode the charge won’t be able to go thru the coil

Here is a simple drawing

A changing electric field is equivalent to a changing magnetic field that is changing current or some times called displacement current

General Discussion / Re: S1R9A9M9 18HP Briggs riding mower engine ran on water( 2008)
« Last post by Login to see usernames on November 28, 2024, 22:58:13 pm »
18HP Briggs riding lawnmower Engine ran on water in carb, summer 2008 in Georgia.. See You tube videos 1 + 2. S1R9A9M9. Spark plug electrolysis. Battery supplied temporary current to conversion wires, then battery removed, The alternator under flywheel runs on 12 magnets. About 15 amps total divided up to about 4 amps electromagnet over plug wire, with about 11 amps to inverter box for 110v AC changed to full wave DC. 300W Box hidden in hole of cement block. The plastic tub on side of engine has small parts There was also an inductor about 2millihenry in series with plug. Spark plug Champion with resistor removed for zero ohms resistance. Peak current about 7 amp at about 15% duty cycle on time , which is about 1.2Amp average current on small meter. Flywheel with outer ignition magnet goes around 360 degrees. ATDC past zero for late timing allowed from electromagnet . His 1978 car V8 conversion got 18MPG. Don't allow battery ground and inverter ground to connect. Can insulate starter from casting with plastic bolts and washers. SMALL Hydrogen gas generated along with water vapor pressure to push piston.
Sebosfato / Re: My new approach
« Last post by Login to see usernames on November 26, 2024, 15:41:26 pm »
In this graph the b field is the resonant current flowing in the chokes

The bemf is being generated by the movement of the particles started by the dc voltage and deflected by the flipping magnetic field

And the magnetic field flips in sync with cavity resonance of the particles the current maynever change direction it only increase and reduce depending on the voltage difference between the applied voltage and the bemf divided by the water resistance

So just as Stan explain he need a resonant cavity to make it work

I think there is even more to it but it will only come out as the first part works for example the electron extraction!

There is so much more to do that we need to get this restriction to work as soon as possible…

Sebosfato / Re: My new approach
« Last post by Login to see usernames on November 26, 2024, 06:00:49 am »
Im sorry if your first impression is that this is complicated

But I’m sure if you take a small time to check what I’m saying you are going to be amazed

This is not for lazy people it will take a time to understand if you don’t have knowledge on all this areas I’m talking about

But if I could get here and I’m a musician autodidact for the most part on science and live in a 3rd word country (ok I studied some physics too)

Well than you certainly can understand

Perhaps all you need to take out is the shame and ego out of the way

There is no shame recognizing someone work

Is a shame not being able to read and discuss something just because you don’t believe!

Or to not believe just because someone in a 3rd word country found something you didn’t

The graph on attachments show the current look when we apply dc to the cell and match the Magnetic field frequency with the cavity

If the dc had the same voltage as the bemf the current would result zero

And if only their voltage are different the waveform will be like the bemf

As you can see the frequency double!

Sebosfato / Re: My new approach
« Last post by Login to see usernames on November 26, 2024, 05:59:26 am »
Im looking for some piezo disks and plates for use as sensor and electrode

I found that they sell batio3 with silver electrodes and also

This is interesting

There was this patent that used pzt as dielectric hydrogen energy generation

There are Teflon coated disks

Hopefully I can buy some different types for testing

The objective is to have two piezo one for detecting and one for driving the resonant cavity

The modes possible are radial and thickness

I found that to raise the displacement we can stack the disks and the frequency can be tuned adding weight

For example you decide to buy a 200w 20khz transducer to make it have 10 kHz you need twice the length of the horn or something

The tube must have the double helical separator to allow the lateral movement to convert to linear

This should be a ceramic like material to allow high quality factor on the cavity

The length to be considered is actually the length of the gap forming the spiral

And so a cavity below and above must compensate for the rest of the wave crest

The Chanel on the electrodes must have the size smaller than the wave to catch only the point where the displacement is maximum to be able to develop the highest possible voltage

Placing a magnetic static field and applying ac to the cell must give a current peak at the resonant frequency

Knowing the frequency than is possible to tune the coil to that and apply pulsed dc to the water

When the thing is tuned a second pulse will appear with same polarity and amplitude as the applied pulse

This is the restoring force of the cavity in action

The pulses will only look good when in perfect sync otherwise the second pulse may look like a piece of ac

As you see the important is just to interact the fields and make it become movement of particles and pressure oscillation

Even applying full wave bridge rectified dc it does not really matter

The important is the flip of the magnetic field be in sync with the cavity tune

Simple as that


General Discussion / Re: Back to Basics
« Last post by Login to see usernames on November 25, 2024, 18:49:02 pm »

I understand that Fabio is overthinking after all these years.
Please timeS, tell us the trick so we can stop all the suffering....

Thank you in advance...


I hope you guys figure it out.  This will likely be my last post here.

Fabio, you're way overcomplicating it.

General Discussion / Re: Back to Basics
« Last post by Login to see usernames on November 25, 2024, 17:07:33 pm »
Calculate the following

The length of the wave of 5khz on water

Than look to see how ultrasonic cleaning works

It will become self evident the relation

Specially after reading the ultrasonic patent Meyer cited on the Pll patent and understanding the phenomena of anti resonance on piezo for welding

Than I sum with magnetic field and bang here is how it all relates and is the only possible way to generate voltage on a cell with tube inside tube geometry

I made thousands of hand drawings thousands of hours of work  until I got here

Believe it or not

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