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General Discussion / Better Use For capacitors?
« Last post by Login to see usernames on September 15, 2024, 14:53:12 pm »
Has any one investigated the use of quality capacitors as polypropylene types with very low ESR internal resistance? The 2 Energy Conserver manuals published years ago by Eagle Research say that the capacitor is NOT an electrical load and is a storage vessel for electrons . A pre charged battery is unstable and wants to be neutralized as zero. A pail of water dumps into lower level pail and filled. It's the same energy , but is limited by the gravity pull involved, as then has small potential energy loss. Electricity is not limited by directions of flow. A capacitor placed at battery positive and to a load resistance light bulb will have work done as light evolved with push button timed switch, with the approximate SAME energy stored in cap up to the beginning battery voltage of both units in series. If 2 capacitors are in parallel, and then switched in series, the reverse flow of double volts, will show work done as light evolved and at same brightness as tested with lumens meter. The passage of electrons through a common resistance bulb forms side action of light + heat. (majority of stored energy after the flow is not wasted) Battery runs bulb for 5 seconds and connected through capacitor to battery positive. Battery removed. Capacitance reconnected runs light bulb again in same brightness close to 5 seconds the second time. The majority only, of SAME electrons passing THROUGH load is saved in capacitance(s) in series. The electrons are restricted from contacting battery positive plates and reducing the unstable state towards equilibrium. This technique does not say 100% efficiency, nor is this over unity , or hard to implement. It's just an unusual efficiency improvement to be used. I saw these bench top tests done with meters way back in time. Such a circuit could extend the range of electric vehicles. The Zubris US Patent does just that and inventor charges $100 royalty to those building their own electric cycle or car using his circuit . Part of his circuit sends super fast cap discharge into motor winding, in split second, just before heavy amps, to ELIMINATE majority of back EMF. After the Engineer temporarlly repaired his wife's electric car, it went way longer distance before the dash meter went down. The other capacitor useage could even work with a Hydrogen fuel generator for more output. Now comes the N I H factor . Not Invented Here. Firms refuse to pay royalty fees for use of a higher efficiency circuit to implement on their own current production units. Bench tests are even more accurate when using charged large computer capacitors for source power, since math formulas can give higher accuracy than using a common battery. See manuals of perfected testing at Eagle research.

Capacitor has capability to store energy at less than 100% efficiency and not over unity. Some caps have lower ESR and work WAY better, not overheating. (less of a load)

Cap is distinguished from resistor as not a resistance load in general.
Side effect of electron flow through load such as regular bulb is heat release and light emitted.
The same series current (electron flow) goes THROUGH bulb (somewhat expended energy) and transferred to cap in series.

A 555timer IC set as pulse timer is set for 5 seconds with quick output to turn on transistor for 5 seconds only. Circuit flows through transistor. OR finger on normally open push button for 5 seconds is also called push button timed switch.

The same electrons flowing through load, less small losses, goes to capacitor and held, without flowing to positive plate sides of battery. The energy whether in cap or caps in parallel doesn't matter. With battery disconnected, the bulb can light up again with approximately same amount of brightness for about same 5 seconds, or LESS. I have seen this test a long time back.

The 2 voltage drops are in series and add up to beginning volts on battery. What is important here ONLY, is that an electrical series load can be used longer in time with CAPACITOR, the energy that was not wasted by sending majority electrons fully back to positive battery side and reducing the battery from it's upper unstable state to lower unstable state. Purchase the manuals for tech data.
General Discussion / Re: why Stanley used Higher Voltage....
« Last post by Login to see usernames on September 15, 2024, 02:56:33 am »
Meyer probably tested various waters for resonance cell. , Tap water, rain water, distilled water+ double distilled water, and de ionized purified water. The higher resistance was made higher with tubes coating applied for certain tube cell assemblies. The secondary wiring on ferrite step up transformer was also resistance type wire on some assemblies. (not copper). The L coils and C of the water was resonant to the power supply frequency applied. Water level had to be kept at level, or an automatic electronic adjusting circuit applied for the changing frequency with water level change. He had said that de ionized water was best. It can be purchased in small quantity for bench tests. See also used home water filter system and change the cartridges for de ionized water SOURCE from tap water input. The final voltrolysis water cell should show only extremely fine bubbles rising up in concentric tubes to fast foam generation of ionized hydrogen and ionized oxygen, at extremely low watts input.  (not h2 +o2) No electrolysis at all, - small current IN PRIMARY and through inductor coils to cell,for repeated polarization alignments of water molecules , before the high volts from FLYBACK effect was applied.This is called burst mode , with on + off time of high frequencies pulse train. Something like 3 seconds on and 7 seconds off. Gaseous fuel developed during P.S. off time. The Patented term wording is- Thermo Explosive Energy. and over unity.This bench set up is a more important project to do than others you have in mind, or on going. Stan Meyer U S Patents time has run out and are in public domain. His brother and his own Patents only have to do with selling you hydrogen gas at a gas station. Don't forget the Meyer 2 manuals. Water Fuel Cell Company Manual + Birth Of New Technology- for purchase or read on line............. Go!
General Discussion / Re: Alternate Energy Devices Of The Past
« Last post by Login to see usernames on September 12, 2024, 21:37:18 pm »
 Unusual Alternate Energy Designs Noted From The Past

Information has been provided for the ONLY purpose to enlighten others of data they may have missed over time, and may be interested in looking into them further. A Vortex Tube use of hot air end can greatly increase air PRESSURE in insulated chamber going to a air extension cylinder , to keep a shaft turning with balanced spoked flywheel. Lots of devices are made and shown that don't make it to public market. There are over 100 US Patents on just one subject matter of water saving techniques for our common toilet tank. (A free plastic jug of water takes up the space in back of toilet tank when placed inside, no money expended) You have the perfect right to not believe in over unity - greater than 100% efficiency, or methodologies that greatly improve use of a standard technology design. The word invention means something not seen or heard of before that everyone else has NO reference to, and therefore don't believe it. The Engineering Degree on wall plaque is based on dated earlier known facts to be taught forward in time without improvements.The other term is - N I H, not invented here. Firm down the street adds parts that greatly increases efficiency of their motor design. The longer standing, similar other firm manufacturer of motors wants to keep their own design the same as being less efficient and continue selling it. They completely refuse to pay $$$Royalty fees to implement that new circuit to the existing selling motors. Mr. Zubris filed US Patent on capacitor circuit that greatly extends miles range of electric cars. He sells personal use of circuit for home made electric car or motorcycle for $100. The car manufacturers refuses his design. N I H
Nathren, as part of group of technicians in 2008 Georgia developing the engine spark plug electrolysis to Hydrogen fuel technology had been put in jail years back. I doubt it had to do with improper computer downloads. Another technician who converted is car to run on Nitrogen Hydroxide and Hydrogen gas had died in prison. False claims of murder were applied. Dan Danforth of Sri lanka technician disappeared after his public demonstration of car running on high efficient Hydrogen Generator. Stan Meyer of the over unity Voltrolisis hydrogen Generator cell was poisoned at restaurant , etc. Meyer Process was at 3 levels for Hydrogen Generator. Why can't you study the first level called,- Proof Of Design" before making negative comments. The Patents are in public domain. You can do a 1st level bench test for your self. (Extremely fine upward flowing gas bubbles to foam with low low current and HIGH VOLTAGE)      Seek And Ye Shall Find.
General Discussion / Re: Stepping in.
« Last post by Login to see usernames on September 12, 2024, 05:55:47 am »
We don't have a particle accelerator.
What are you talking about?
General Discussion / Re: Stepping in.
« Last post by Login to see usernames on September 11, 2024, 18:24:38 pm »
Are any of you guys following me? Hydrogen has three isotopes you have to use a particle accelerator to create these isotopes that's what the EPG what's doing he had hydrogen gas amongst other solids and metal dust particles mixed together to create that circular device in which the gas pump was in its middle as the higher the pressure per square inch the stronger the magnetic field the hydrogen isotope could maintain and would hold this field like a capacitor are any of you following this? I do apologize for the very quick reply I have switched my speech to text to a more proper application and try to keep it updated I am very busy at this moment if anyone has any questions about anything I have said feel free to ask and I will clear up whatever I can.
General Discussion / Re: why Stanley used Higher Voltage....
« Last post by Login to see usernames on September 09, 2024, 15:20:35 pm »
Thats another question:
Will the water capacitor resonate since it behaves like a resistor and does not have any phase shift between voltage and current?

Resistors can resonate if the frequency if high enough to use the leads parasitic inductance and body capacitance, but it should be a very high frequency (MHz range probably)..., not a few kHz.
General Discussion / Re: S1R9A9M9 18HP Briggs riding mower engine ran on water( 2008)
« Last post by Login to see usernames on September 08, 2024, 22:35:57 pm »
Can Radiant energy pass THROUGH a spark gap and on through series circuit , if it's in a small vacuum chamber? There is way less dissipation into ambient air, and the energy may be useful downstream. In 2005-2008, A sealed extreme high efficient vacuum dual coils relay , as originally for an electrical 60 cycles traffic signals pole box, was used with engine experiments, to generate more efficient hydrogen gas from water. The engines would run with spark plug electrolysis, but only with the special relays applied to pass both high voltage and 7amps current! (not used for a relay purpose, but for contacts, diodes and inductors) I recently built one with Carlon sealable 4" box, vacuum gauge, valve, and Tesla spark gap with magnets, 1.75millihenry coils, diodes, cap and hand vacuum pumper tool. Not tested yet.
See one of Nathren's / S1R engines running,- S1R9A9M9 You tube videos 1+2. It was started with battery. Battery disconnected. Engine ran on the 12 magnet alternator , - self running sustained with 10amp draw. The high V. came in exactly after the cathode of diode inbetween the 2 series coils, then spark plug. The 4 technicians in Georgia called them "The Magic Relays". The web forum shut down. They never figured out the secret!
General Discussion / Re: Prostate Cancer At 72 And Home Treatment
« Last post by Login to see usernames on September 08, 2024, 20:39:08 pm »
 Cancer home therapy not working. < russwr > 2024-09-08 11:24

The Dr. Hulda Clark home therapy of 3 herbs has not succeeded. The prostate PSA number has gone up from 8.5 to 12. Only some cancers are caused by micro organisms. The current science research says people have to be on very low carbohydrates/ sugar/glucose, and must do fasting, electrical grounding, and reducing Glutamine by fasting. (Not genetic anymore, it's a metabolic disorder. ) Search data on Earthing/grounding, videos, Build up of electromagnetic volts on body over time period reduces effectiveness of immune system. The immune system knows what to do, but is being HINDERED by these volts on body over time. Your modern synthetic shoes are insulators from our negative ground. Negative electrons flow up wire to wrist strap or to floor plate may help body. Copper pipe tapped into ground outside window and wire brought into house, reduces time having to be outside on open grass with bare feet. I have .032" strip brass bracket on shoe hooked to leg strap. Heel on floor touches copper film and wire, as I type these notes. (Don't use the million ohm resistor in purchased blue wrist strap. The wire end has to be soldered direct to the metal snap. Breathing slightly increases, burning arthritis pain stops, circulation increases because of negative charges from ground, on circulation repels, as same polarity. Multimeter on AC 20 volts range shows volts going to zero after 4 seconds. The body continuously accepts electrons negative flow from ground. Hold red lead in hand, black lead on ground, then touch ground with body to see this yourself.The more time grounded, the better. I also have 2 copper pipe handles to hold while watching the news. Also sleeping with 2nd wrist strap and second wire out window, to second pipe ground. The medical term is now called:-- Nature deficit Disorder.
General Discussion / Re: why Stanley used Higher Voltage....
« Last post by Login to see usernames on September 07, 2024, 17:29:56 pm »
If you have low current at the cell, the voltage at the cell will be Current (I) x Cell resistance (R).

For an 100Ohms cell, you need 1 amp to give you 100V.

Someone need to demonstrate how to violate ohms law first to assure that he had high voltage at the cell.

It is impossible to reach kV ratings in an 80Ohms cell using miliamps... And there is no phase shift between current and voltage at the cell...

You are thinking correctly.
Watch Ravi's channel where he shows the white coating on the pipes. This plaque, or rather its resistance, increases the voltage at low current.
There are about 5 methods to reduce the current to 0.001 ampere, but they must be used all together and synchronize their work with each other

You are right, I already saw that at Ravi's channel, but all of Stans tubes have no white coating on it, so he must be using another technique...

Another point is that we cant use anything between the tubes and the water as insulator. A capacitor polarization occurs at the dieletric. Our aim here is to have displacement charges at the water, which should be our "dielectric". Anything in between will be charged instead of charging the water.

Water cannot be a dielectric all the time. Since it is saturated with ions. And therefore becomes a conductor.
In other words, water changes its physical properties 'dielectric-conductor'.
Stan Meyer said in one of the videos that the longer a fuel cell runs, the better it works.
It can only be one thing, calcium oxide buildup on the electrodes
General Discussion / Re: why Stanley used Higher Voltage....
« Last post by Login to see usernames on September 06, 2024, 05:02:12 am »
The Nice part here is that both Will get polarized! Walter Will have more than one electric field acting on
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