Author Topic: Voltage Potentials Ability to Perform Work  (Read 26223 times)

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Re: Voltage Potentials Ability to Perform Work
« Reply #32 on: May 01, 2009, 17:31:31 pm »
arcing for me doesn't start around 1.6 volts at all......what quality of water are you all depends on the resistance....higher resistance higher voltage amplitude! is all here......and dankie i can't seem to watch the videos you are referring to.

Yes, I agree, It depends on the water, but in the end arcing does occur at low voltages.

With my tap water I do get arcing at about 1.6 volts. it is in the low miliamps. This is another factor, What is the minimun current leak to consider arcing?

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Re: Voltage Potentials Ability to Perform Work
« Reply #33 on: May 02, 2009, 17:18:28 pm »
Yes, I agree, It depends on the water, but in the end arcing does occur at low voltages.

With my tap water I do get arcing at about 1.6 volts. it is in the low miliamps. This is another factor, What is the minimun current leak to consider arcing?

you are right...and i have no idea for the minimum currnet leak that causes arcing but i will find out.

i will do some tests come monday with different resistances and there "arcing" amplitude and current levels.

i would assume that the arcing level of current would be consistant regardless of the conditions.

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Re: Voltage Potentials Ability to Perform Work
« Reply #34 on: May 06, 2009, 22:52:12 pm »
alright electrojolt  here are the numbers for what is going on for my tests on stans early patents...and here are hte basics with no resistor between the ground and negative tube....aka NO ELECTRON INHIBITOR EFFECT.

i am using a little bit under a 3 inch vic tube with .5 inner diameter .75 outer wall space .0625.
i am using unfiltered dc power.....aka unipolar pulsed dc.
also i am using tap water.

the measured capacitance was 34 microfarads. (quite large)

at 13 volt amplitude
it was at .644 amps

at 16.4 volt amplitude
it was at .847 amps

at 18.2 volts amplitude
it was at .987 amps

at 22.3 volts amplitude
it was at 1.33 amps

at 32 volts amplitude
it was at 1.8 broke down at approximately 57.6 watts....IE: current arc over.

if you take the average resistance of each of these measurements (i am only using one meter and i have to go back and forth between settings this is not accurate but an estimate)

the average resistance from the above measurements is R = (17.77+16.76+20.19+18.44+19.36)/5 = 18.5 the tap water has a resistnace of 18.5 ohms.

water in a capacitor wit hthe specifications as stated above can only handle a certain amount of watts...this is why stanley stayed around 40 watts input power.....anymore then this would arc over the capcitor.

so it appears to me that you have around 50-60 watts max you can put into a cell (with the above specifications, cell diameters, and water resistance) it is how you use that 40 watts that will determine your output.

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Re: Voltage Potentials Ability to Perform Work
« Reply #35 on: May 07, 2009, 22:03:34 pm »
Your water is defenetly cleaner than mine...

I have a question, how did you measure the capacitance of the cell?

When I try to use any of my 3 Cap meters, I get no reading at all.

Also 34 Microfarads, that can't be right.

One time I was persuaded to insulate the tubes, my cell was a little bigger, also 3" long but using 1" and 3/4 diam tubes.

and the capacitance of the insulated tubes with water (Real Capacitor) was 8nf.

also when I calculated using the web page above, the results was also close to the 8nf.

so your cell with smaller surface area has to be less than 8nf.


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Re: Voltage Potentials Ability to Perform Work
« Reply #36 on: May 08, 2009, 01:28:04 am »
i know something is wrong with my capacitance.

but i have taken both of my capacitance meters and placed just the test probes in the water no ss tubes.....just probes in water shows an average reading of 2 microfarads.....

i really haven't a clue to my water situation.......

i have placed the electrodes in water again and tested it only to have it still reveal around 30 microfarads with both my meters.

any ideas as to why an incorrect reading......the container it is in is plastic...the same material used for cooking ware or storage.

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Re: Voltage Potentials Ability to Perform Work
« Reply #37 on: May 08, 2009, 01:34:55 am »
hummm, probes in water and you get 2 micro.. there must be something wrong with your meter.

when I try to measure capacitance of the wfc using either 100hz or 1khz modes with my meter it just  scans forever, no result at all.

by the way, this is the meter I use:

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Re: Voltage Potentials Ability to Perform Work
« Reply #38 on: May 08, 2009, 01:39:40 am »
damn.....i have a protek cl200 inductance/capacitance meter........and your common ideal 61-361 multimeter.

i have no idea about scannign frequencies in meters, but both of my meters cannot be wrong.....they are both showing the same numbers.

unless water is not considered a dialetric material to them.

thank you for your reply.

edit: my cl200 scans at 80hz and 900hz and is considered high accuracy.

also: the resistance across my tubes and water is constantly changing and never a solid number.....continually going up and down up and down through a wide range......usually in the kilohm range.

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Re: Voltage Potentials Ability to Perform Work
« Reply #39 on: May 08, 2009, 01:45:54 am »
unless, yours uses very low voltage, below current leak, but even if, your readings are way too high. it should be in the low nano farads.