Author Topic: Voltage Potentials Ability to Perform Work  (Read 26311 times)

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Re: Voltage Potentials Ability to Perform Work
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2009, 04:23:49 am »
kinesisfilms,  Have you checked the phase relationship of the signals on  the inner & outer tubes yet?

The closer to 180 degrees out of phase
they are, the less current can flow.

I've read all the posts but I'm still not quite sure how your bifilar is hooked up
And quite honestly I'm not sure which configuration is correct.

Magnetically pinching off the current is not something you
can find much experimenters  data on.

The other VIC's that show a variable inductor on the negative side,
should not so much be considered a variable inductor, but a
VARIABLE PHASE SHIFTER.  Apparently Stan learned enough
to get rid of that for this VIC and we haven't.

You are right, there will always be some current, or there will never be any pulses.

Pulses out of a transformer come from presence and absence of current.
Without any current there would be nothing to pull the voltage back down to form the pulse, hence saturation. 

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Re: Voltage Potentials Ability to Perform Work
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2009, 04:45:32 am »
just adding in some thoughts here

stan says in one of the videos the chokes restrict current by 90 degrees, from the little i know about leading and lagging voltage-current phase relationships, i can't figure out what the deal is with this, but from the way he says it, i know it is an important fact of how the chokes do their job, more learning needed here...

also with the pulses, as you said mike, that current must flow to bring the voltage down, true, but this is before the cell, since the voltage increases with a step charge, as in this picture

so the pulses come in from the secondary and then the chokes are holding back the current to allow the voltage to be delivered to the cell

it might be an interesting experiment to play with different chokes with an ammeter before and after the choke to see how they are working at restricting the electrons

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Re: Voltage Potentials Ability to Perform Work
« Reply #18 on: April 21, 2009, 05:46:08 am »
maybe combining RF with DC pulsing?

see now this is what i have been trying for a while to accomplish but have had no order for this to work i would have to have a system much like stan's with a adjustable frequency generator in control of the analog generator.........then have the pulse gating and duty cycle pulse train pull that pulsed dc signal through the primary coil.

in stan's older setup's such as figure 8xa in the independant report he takes a variac full wave rectified to accomplish his "variable amplitude unipolar pulsed dc signal"....and haas teh signal optocoupled with a gating pulse signal........this then gates the unipolar signal to accomplish gated unipolar pulse trains with variable amplitude control via the variac knob.......this might be by far teh easiest circuit to replicate......we need something to understand what the hell is actually going on here.

when i have free time again i will continue reading over and over......there is one last thing left and it is killing me.

i have already tried both bifilar connections.

since dankie is in complete denial he will have to wait to try it out himself.

but the last thing i am doing is lieing about a damn bifilar connection.......i am serious..... one works and the other doesn't that is the way it is if you want to believe me or not......YOU WILL SEE SOONER OR LATER.


How would i meausre the phase difference in the tube cell if it is a unipolar pulse........unipolar means it will never pass the Ovolt line and thus is not alternating current.......

at outlawstc.....once again i have no might work it might not.......but the minute you start reconnecting the chokes to the primary then i stop my attention towards it.......IF IT IS DIFFERENT THEN STAN'S CIRCUITS, CONNECTIONS, AND PAPERS then i do not entertain it.......i am 100% here to replicate.......but by all means who knows it could work.......but you would have to be the one to test it out.

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Re: Voltage Potentials Ability to Perform Work
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2009, 06:11:31 am »
You already said to me it gave you a nice square wave from the secondary @ 450 volts , Indeed I will see . To me a square wave signal= excellent , faster rise time  , oscillations are not limited to a specific waveform you know .

The "unipolar" you talk about is nothing thats unique to the VIC , these are called pulse transformers .

To summarize, Winding capacitances ( wich you have plenty of) and leakage inductances act to increase rise time. ( They also generate trailing edges which is discussed later. ) They may also contribute to spurious oscillations. In a typical pulse transformer design, core loss does not have much effect.

Lets just order one and see how they are made .

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Re: Voltage Potentials Ability to Perform Work
« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2009, 06:14:48 am »
alright to settle the bifilar mystery once and for all i will connect the coils both ways and show there meter readings, scope shots, and connections via photos and a pretty mspaint-ish drawing.

when i have the semester draws to an end i have to start to focus on my school work again.

there is far too much confusion based upon patent is driving me nuts.......i have already connected it both ways.....dankie's way was a complete flop....NOTHING.......the correct dot orientation way.....actually produced a second pulse on an off pulse and created a magnetic field around the inductor and amplified the voltage to 1060 volts from a 5 volt input.

WHO KNOWS I MIGHT HAVE MISSED SOMETHING.......i just want to figure this out......and i will gladly  try both connections again.

i don't care about all this bickering nonsense i honestly want to just finish this and get it over with......i have spent far too much time, effort and MONEY on trying to better the all honesty that is all i want to do...make the world a better place.

i feel like this "project" is driving me insane.

this is the one "overunity" device that has A SH!TLOAD of paper work, images, documents, patents, actual pictures or the pieces, and over-all information out there then any other device......and we still can't figure it out........h0ly sh!t this is pathetic.

for the sake of life......something.........anything.

i am so tired........and now this is me ranting.

i will retry the "other" bifilar connection.

i am going to sleep.

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Re: Voltage Potentials Ability to Perform Work
« Reply #21 on: April 21, 2009, 06:20:41 am »
Its ok Kinesis , I get it , I better do this myself .

You do your thing and I do my thing .

And I just found you a partner from orlando , he will message you soon on some other site  . He's gonna make the VIC and has nice equipment kinda like you .

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Re: Voltage Potentials Ability to Perform Work
« Reply #22 on: April 21, 2009, 06:32:44 am »
nice.....i am out of i am going to go back and connect the bifilar the other way..........who knows maybe the 2 times i tried it your way i was doing something wrong.

i can only hope that that is what happened........I REALLY WANT THIS TO WORK.

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Re: Voltage Potentials Ability to Perform Work
« Reply #23 on: April 21, 2009, 14:22:34 pm »
maybe combining RF with DC pulsing?


How would i meausre the phase difference in the tube cell if it is a unipolar pulse........unipolar means it will never pass the Ovolt line and thus is not alternating current.......

Have you looked at it?  Make sure your probe is grounded to the primary's ground.

To check the phase of the signals do the following.

If you have 2 HV scope probes, probe both cell connections at the same time
and it will show whether they are in phase or not.

If  you only have one HV probe sync your scope off the signal driving the primary,
then look at the signal of one of the cell connections & note the timing of
it is compared to the primary signal.  Then probe the opposite connection of
the cell & derive the difference.