Generate 120 volts on a car... SINGLE PHASE..
Put single Phase in a motor, It will Continue to Turn the motor when you start it with your hand!
Get from this motor, the third generated leg ((((((THREE PHASE))))))) Turn This to DC!!!!!
You just generated 3 phase electrical energy onboard an auto.
Now Use Plate Cells to run the auto, (Stan used a Gas to Hydrogen mix.) See Golf ball size Gas tank (In video) (On Buggy!) where Big gas tank is laying in (Grass.) There's enough gas in that Golf tank to go 1k miles when mixed with hydroxy.
(Later Stan used 3 phase) In the video he was using gas mix, Petrol... !!!
Research it.... Slow... Slow... Slow...
NOBODY HAS FOUND THE 3 PHASE MOTOR on stans car as i ask you to find. The motor is very big, I believe it may be a photo after one of his videos....
Why has nobody found this and brought it here?
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((LOOK FOR THE BIG ELECTRIC MOTOR ON THE CAR,,, ""ITS HUGE!!!"""))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))