Author Topic: Attention Attention !!!!  (Read 21804 times)

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Re: Attention Attention !!!!
« Reply #16 on: March 24, 2009, 18:29:35 pm »
the fact alone that he attests John Kanzius a Dr. title makes the whole pdf dubious and untrustworthy.


and for anyone who is questioning tom bearden's authenticity.....

He was a nuclear engineer, wargames analyst, and military tactician, Lieutenant Colonel (retired) Tom bearden has over 26 years experience in air defense systems, tactics and operations; technical intelligence, antiradiation missile countermeasures; nuclear weapons employment, computerized wargames; and military systems requirements.

Tom Bearden obtained a Master of Science degree in nuclear engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics from Northeast Louisiana University.  He is also a graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College and several U.S. Army artillery and missile schools.

This is the foreword of a research book and is written by John T. Ratzlaff.

so even if bearden gave a person the title Dr........he himself is far more credible then your one superimposed statement.


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Re: Attention Attention !!!!
« Reply #17 on: March 24, 2009, 18:33:17 pm »
the fact alone that he attests John Kanzius a Dr. title makes the whole pdf dubious and untrustworthy.


and for anyone who is questioning tom bearden's authenticity.....

He was a nuclear engineer, wargames analyst, and military tactician, Lieutenant Colonel (retired) Tom bearden has over 26 years experience in air defense systems, tactics and operations; technical intelligence, antiradiation missile countermeasures; nuclear weapons employment, computerized wargames; and military systems requirements.

Tom Bearden obtained a Master of Science degree in nuclear engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics from Northeast Louisiana University.  He is also a graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College and several U.S. Army artillery and missile schools.

This is the foreword of a research book and is written by John T. Ratzlaff.

so even if bearden gave a person the title Dr........he himself is far more credible then your one superimposed statement.


Looks like a perfect CV for a counter intelligence agent?  ;)


Wow, just 1 post away from the 1000 posts. What will i give myself as present?

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Re: Attention Attention !!!!
« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2009, 18:38:16 pm »
stan says current creates chaos in the cell. it doesnt allow the water to polarize. the polarization process happens because of no current and its between the 2 different vectors. one vector is giving clockwise the other counter. one is bombarded with electrons the other holes.. a storm has a high and a storm has a low.. a tornado is no different then a lighting strike in a sence in comparison its transfers of potential are happening realtivly slow and in massive current?


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Re: Attention Attention !!!!
« Reply #19 on: March 24, 2009, 18:43:11 pm »
Bearden is too hard to understand to be an counter-intel agent , the guy is talking chinese .

A cointel agent is something like the Ravi doceument , something big , something popular .

Tom Bearden isthe crazy old guy in the corner...

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Re: Attention Attention !!!!
« Reply #20 on: March 24, 2009, 19:25:30 pm »
stan says current creates chaos in the cell. it doesnt allow the water to polarize. the polarization process happens because of no current and its between the 2 different vectors. one vector is giving clockwise the other counter. one is bombarded with electrons the other holes.. a storm has a high and a storm has a low.. a tornado is no different then a lighting strike in a sence in comparison its transfers of potential are happening realtivly slow and in massive current?


Hi Outlawstc,

I like your theory's very much.  :)
But i have some questions for a long time on my mind, like have you ever asked yourself how the watermolecule looks like when polarized?
Every oxygen atom is surrounded by 4 hydrogen atoms. If you build that into like a 3Dcluster, you see that it is practically impossible to get some kind of polarization in it. The other thing is that water is not 1 substance. Not 1 cluster, as to speak. It hold multiple clusters.
Current is aligning the clusters. Make is into strings. A string can be resonated. A non string cannot. Glas can be resonated. Wool not.
If there is something to be resonated on atomic level, then where do we need to look for? The nucleus? The electrons?
If a voltage spike can perform work, as Stan said, then what part would it tickle? It doesnt reach into the free floating waterclusters without current.

Well, i am not totally honest here. I have made in the past a transmitter which had a 7.8hz modulation on it. That aparatus enterd the human bodycells.
And it had a great effect on the health of people. So, a RF signal, like FM in my case, can penetrate water very good as well.
So, we have actually 2 options: current or RF to reach the watermols.

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Re: Attention Attention !!!!
« Reply #21 on: March 24, 2009, 21:12:42 pm »
much not physics related stuff
what has being in the army to do with developing theories for our universe? that doesn't give him any credibility nor takes it. i dont care if anyone has a title or not as long as he is doing good research.

and who would say that (space-)time is the same as energy? maybe someone can explain this.

If a voltage spike can perform work, as Stan said, then what part would it tickle? It doesnt reach into the free floating waterclusters without current.

stevie, if you do not believe that voltage under some circumstances can perform work, which is understandable, why do you put further effort into researching the meyer technology? or did you stop with that after you became aware of this thought?

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Re: Attention Attention !!!!
« Reply #22 on: March 24, 2009, 21:52:15 pm »
they are all theorys and i havent built any of this  still working on getting materials for my alternator. i have done lots of research and have observed many peoples very helpfull experiments.. the way i see it electrons being forced from one side over the cell you are sending to many electrons then it can pass.. water isnt solid so it doesnt pass electrons like copper.. it will cause chaos in the fluid.. electrons are like wind to water... but if you raise the difference on each side.. the current isnt going in the cell because of the way the opposing charges are attracted to each other sitting in the bifilar..  with a balance difference it is more work for them to cross the cell.  but if they were on seperarte cores they wouldnt share that attraction anymore that kept them in the choke.


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Re: Attention Attention !!!!
« Reply #23 on: March 24, 2009, 22:08:06 pm »
if your going to quote me quote me correctly......much not physics related stuff......oh yeah i don't remember saying that......the quote button is used for just that...quote someone.

credentials and a resume make just that.....a person credible.

who are you again.....oh yeah that's right username haithar........who is what?......a person on a forum......hmmm who should i believe??

Tom Bearden with his Master of Science degree in Nuclear Engineering and  Bachelor of Science in Mathematic...wait what was that again...oh yeah MATHEMATICS........

oh but i forgot how much you knew about Mathematical Theories.

Einstein said that there was no energy in the mass no energy simple as that where Max Planck said that there was unlimited energy at the Zero-point node.......these two argued it out until einstein began to realize that max was correct and that in Quantum physics we see that Light is something unusual that pulls energy from somewhere else.....IE other dimensions....Light is not a particle nor is it a wave! can act as both but light is LIGHT......therefore as you aproach zero point where no temperature and no mass occur there can be UNLIMITED Energy since we do not understand light and it's unknown variables.....

this is by far above any of our heads.

and as far as i see it.

I would trust someone who works in Quantum Physics and with Associates of the Field.

over a faceless internet forum user.

space-time= dont even try to talk like you udnerstand space time in mathematical concepts HAITHAR.

LOOK AT ANY OF BEARDENS ASSOCIATES......a good 80% of them work in the Quantum Physics field.