much not physics related stuff
what has being in the army to do with developing theories for our universe? that doesn't give him any credibility nor takes it. i dont care if anyone has a title or not as long as he is doing good research.
and who would say that (space-)time is the same as energy? maybe someone can explain this.
If a voltage spike can perform work, as Stan said, then what part would it tickle? It doesnt reach into the free floating waterclusters without current.
stevie, if you do not believe that voltage under some circumstances can perform work, which is understandable, why do you put further effort into researching the meyer technology? or did you stop with that after you became aware of this thought?
Good question. I wonder this my self many times.....
My answer is that i keep an open mind on things that are unknown. Like, that it is strange that somebody is making statements, like Stan Meyer, in patents. Statements like vapourizing 5 gallons of water in a minute. He was granded a Patent on it. So he must have showed it. Of course it seems impossible to get that much of results with such a very small tubeset, btw. (I ran my tests. No matter how much power you put in that tube, you never get 5 gallons vapourized)
But i gamble on 3 developments.
I have improved electrolysis with a system that doesnt need chemicals. I run engines on that system.
I do research on electrolysis with use of NOAH or KOH for comparison reasons.
And the unknown technology's, like Meyer, Puharich and many many many others and of course some stuff that i do myself.
I am curious from nature. If there is more outthere, i wanna know it.
Oh, and before i forget:
This forum helps me and the members to get idea's. To share idea's. Sometimes we have fights here. But thats ok. We are all the same. We are researchers. Each on our own levels. There is only 1 stupid question here. The question that is never asked.....
So Haithar, please stay. Stay critical.
Best regards