Author Topic: Stan used AMPS, big time!  (Read 52946 times)

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #96 on: March 23, 2009, 23:42:01 pm »
Nice Image , this is sacred geometry that explains all about our universe .

I can just imagine these waves happening in the injector .

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #97 on: March 23, 2009, 23:48:30 pm »
it fits in the schematic well.. notice how stan shows a coil orientation for the amp inihbitor.  that orientation is exaxtly how it should be for stainless negative choke.. notice the direction of flow thats aloud i into that amp inhibitor it allows electron flow into the choke.  and blocks hole charges from forming on off time

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #98 on: March 23, 2009, 23:57:21 pm »
i was listening to stephen meyers on the blog radio.. he happend to bring up stans plate cell,  the one with the adjustable gap.. he was talking about how he like it because you could see the production between the gap?  production in ribbons.. your scalar wave pic made me think of the picture he was painting. i gotta listen to it again.


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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #99 on: March 24, 2009, 00:02:24 am »

You mean the plates themselves have both magnetic *flux lines* going opposite to eachother . The thumbs rule thing , those kind of flux lines ? Perhaps they are crossing eachother and causing the elephants to go against eachother .

Perhaps he is trying to *oppose the entropy* ?

Everything is in constant motion like Bearden says ... From the infinitely big to the infinitely small .

I am intruiged by what bearden says , every dipole can keep a bit of energy and not thrown it back out in the time domain ?

Stan is talking about an *energy generator* , a *static energy generator* , and he aint talking about the EPG . He's talking about how he gets more energy out than in . Seems to me like this is what Stan meant . What if Stan's final technology was so revolutionnary that the whole physics would have to be reinvented . This is bigger than a simple water car , this is totally new science .

There's a few things that are clearly impossible with Meyers . The water is simply not breaking apart with higher voltage , it is not holding its charge , it is never pure enough under normal conditions . Meyers never coated his plates , so I believe this coating ravi stuff is simply disinfo .

There is all this stuff about the state space tickling , stuff that is not found in the puharich papers or anyone else .

So I believe that everybody had his own method , some were better than others .

Next step is , if we know dingel could pull some electricity from this , why wouldnt Meyers have done the same and have a double usage for that extra unaccounted for charge  ? This new hypothesis fills in the mysteries of how exactly do we get that water to charge , whats all this mumbo jumbo that Meyers talks about ?

It fills in the gap , it goes along with other theories from respectable people .

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #100 on: March 24, 2009, 00:05:29 am »

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #101 on: March 24, 2009, 00:26:41 am »
Omg , that guy was somekind of freemason on the run , who know secrets thats 4 sure ...

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #102 on: March 24, 2009, 00:31:46 am »
i was woundering if he used the pole hoist to get the stone off ground.. and maybe started stripping electrons out of the stone to gain a positve polarity..

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #103 on: March 24, 2009, 01:10:27 am »
i've been there and have his books.......he says he used positrons and electrons......and unlocked antigravity with the same method they used to build the pyramids......he talks in code and stresses the number 16......also on his tombstone it says.

the secret to the universe is 7129 / 6105195
which equals 0.00116769407

he was not a mason as in the secret society.......dropped out of elementary school in 4th grade and learned all his knowledge from scratch with car parts and batterys and going to the library.......the place is ver interesting but his books are very strange.

one thing i will mention that i noticed on almost all the objects that were incredibly the center of say a huge coral block used for a wall piece there was a canter hole.....not a hole all the way through just a shallow hole and around teh center hole was a perfect radius around the center point forming a circumference lightly engraved in it.