Author Topic: Stan used AMPS, big time!  (Read 52947 times)

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #80 on: March 23, 2009, 14:49:51 pm »
where is the copper bifilar going to?
not connected

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #81 on: March 23, 2009, 16:55:52 pm »
red circle is connected to positve output of copper bi filar.  i feel as if they should be isolated.. but you think about it and a air gap works as good isolation but can also help perform work with air ionization.. i show only the red because for extraction of electrons thats what it passes through during extraction(no neg present).. just the positve potential.. theres still missing items in the diagram like output for the electrical stress in the hfp .. it just makes to much since to take advantage of that with the copper chokes.. since your high volts are going to be in those wires specificaly..  as for electrons and holes.. i suggest falling back to the elementary of electric. think about it this has been so easily over looked for many many years of being possible.. for some of the smartest people of our time(engineers, scientisct, etc..) there had to been a flaw/ twist in there roots that has kept them satisfied with understanding.. and i would say that it is they over look the efficency possibility in the building up of potential differences.. and i dont think they fully understand how chokes can react in a charging manner when they are bi filar wound being pulsed with a sync burst.. every sync burst its thowing off a balanced difference in both directions. holes one way and electrons the other.. meyers even said in one of his videos that people who study electric learn about deflection of electrons and  chemistry  only focuses on proton aspects of the atom.. theres a wall clear as day that has been established that helps keep this from happening. chemistry and electric should be united in many ways.


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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #82 on: March 23, 2009, 18:21:59 pm »
red circle is connected to positve output of copper bi filar.  i feel as if they should be isolated.. but you think about it and a air gap works as good isolation but can also help perform work with air ionization.. i show only the red because for extraction of electrons thats what it passes through during extraction(no neg present).. just the positve potential.. theres still missing items in the diagram like output for the electrical stress in the hfp .. it just makes to much since to take advantage of that with the copper chokes.. since your high volts are going to be in those wires specificaly..  as for electrons and holes.. i suggest falling back to the elementary of electric. think about it this has been so easily over looked for many many years of being possible.. for some of the smartest people of our time(engineers, scientisct, etc..) there had to been a flaw/ twist in there roots that has kept them satisfied with understanding.. and i would say that it is they over look the efficency possibility in the building up of potential differences.. and i dont think they fully understand how chokes can react in a charging manner when they are bi filar wound being pulsed with a sync burst.. every sync burst its thowing off a balanced difference in both directions. holes one way and electrons the other.. meyers even said in one of his videos that people who study electric learn about deflection of electrons and  chemistry  only focuses on proton aspects of the atom.. theres a wall clear as day that has been established that helps keep this from happening. chemistry and electric should be united in many ways.


Oh my , Outlaw has grown to be an excellent theoretical physicist .

Great to have you here outlaw

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #83 on: March 23, 2009, 19:08:58 pm »
thanks dankie i have many hours of pondering.  the best way to understand is perspective. you got to visualize and try to understand everything whats going on in the wires them self on a atomic level.  visualize how emf can constantly displace the excitors in a multi phase set up (alternator). now remember how stan says the voltage will cause alignment in the plate material. what kind of alignment??.. now think on how there alignment could be 180 out from each other giving clockwise and counter clockwise scalar wave? the differential vortex? idk still pondering lol.


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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #84 on: March 23, 2009, 19:24:42 pm »
thanks dankie i have many hours of pondering.  the best way to understand is perspective. you got to visualize and try to understand everything whats going on in the wires them self on a atomic level.  visualize how emf can constantly displace the excitors in a multi phase set up (alternator). now remember how stan says the voltage will cause alignment in the plate material. what kind of alignment??.. now think on how there alignment could be 180 out from each other giving clockwise and counter clockwise scalar wave? the differential vortex? idk still pondering lol.


You mean the plates themselves have both magnetic *flux lines* going opposite to eachother . The thumbs rule thing , those kind of flux lines ? Perhaps they are crossing eachother and causing the elephants to go against eachother .

Perhaps he is trying to *oppose the entropy* ?

Everything is in constant motion like Bearden says ... From the infinitely big to the infinitely small .

I am intruiged by what bearden says , every dipole can keep a bit of energy and not thrown it back out in the time domain ?

Stan is talking about an *energy generator* , a *static energy generator* , and he aint talking about the EPG . He's talking about how he gets more energy out than in . Seems to me like this is what Stan meant . What if Stan's final technology was so revolutionnary that the whole physics would have to be reinvented . This is bigger than a simple water car , this is totally new science .

There's a few things that are clearly impossible with Meyers . The water is simply not breaking apart with higher voltage , it is not holding its charge , it is never pure enough under normal conditions . Meyers never coated his plates , so I believe this coating ravi stuff is simply disinfo .

There is all this stuff about the state space tickling , stuff that is not found in the puharich papers or anyone else .

So I believe that everybody had his own method , some were better than others .

Next step is , if we know dingel could pull some electricity from this , why wouldnt Meyers have done the same and have a double usage for that extra unaccounted for charge  ? This new hypothesis fills in the mysteries of how exactly do we get that water to charge , whats all this mumbo jumbo that Meyers talks about ?

It fills in the gap , it goes along with other theories from respectable people .
« Last Edit: March 23, 2009, 19:45:55 pm by Dankie »

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #85 on: March 23, 2009, 19:46:04 pm »
well when those differences are next to each other present in the plates.  it messes with the space time between them..   i was saying the other day what causes us to fall and what causes us to need force to goto space... and could this force occur in a OPPOSITE manner..  meaning that particles of positive charge have gravity toward the negative excitor and electrons feel gravity toward the positive field..  and at the same time can those charged particles of the atom feel a pushing force pushing them in the same direction they are being pulled?? 2 forces acting in space time on both opposite charges in a opposite manner..  and the only thing holding these particles together is potential.. 

have you heard of coral castle in florida?

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #86 on: March 23, 2009, 20:37:26 pm »
well when those differences are next to each other present in the plates.  it messes with the space time between them..   i was saying the other day what causes us to fall and what causes us to need force to goto space... and could this force occur in a OPPOSITE manner..  meaning that particles of positive charge have gravity toward the negative excitor and electrons feel gravity toward the positive field..  and at the same time can those charged particles of the atom feel a pushing force pushing them in the same direction they are being pulled?? 2 forces acting in space time on both opposite charges in a opposite manner..  and the only thing holding these particles together is potential.. 

have you heard of coral castle in florida?

Its strange , after connecting the dots I am persuaded this is the key . If these opposite waves somehow cross , and the water's components is attracted to counter-clockwise wave AND clockwise wave , it is still pulling apart ,  just not in the way we imagined it did . Kinda like your drawing from yesterday outlaw , it inspired me .

Some people , somehow are seeing this on a piece of a paper , hydrogen goes left , oxygen goes right ...  WRONG !!!

The universe is just a tad more complex .

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #87 on: March 23, 2009, 21:13:04 pm »
This thread is legendary , anybody who tries a move on this thread will be suspect .

Now , the next question , if the universe is circular in nature , what happens if we pulled on the water's components when they are on *opposite sides of the circle*    ?

As one part gets taken away by the clockwise and another taken away by the counter-clockwise .\

Now pull !!!!

But wait... what if @ that point its already in gas form and has gained massive volume , now its pusing out of the injector into the motor in this out of time state   ?? ( Hypothetical )