I am a bit surprised by Dankie's reaction. First, we have to believe all whats written by Stan and now half of whats written by Stan is crap?
I do not have a problem with changing views on things, Dankie. No problem at all.
@ Donald
In theory, we all hope to get some amps from the water. I know what Stan said, but i doubt his formula.
Till sofar i can confirm that I pulled a 10% of power out of the water, with my EEC circuit, compared to the input.
Not sure if we can get to the stage of 100V by 100amps.... Where did Stan get that idea?
@ Outlaw
Your explanation maybe something. However, my question on what that european Patent says stills wait for an answer.
@ Electrojolt
Talk to you soon!
The attached patent doesnt tell anything on using an EEC. It tells that the hydrogen generator used in that kind of setup is using amps and that the output of the alternator cannot compensate fully the power needed by the system....at least, in my point of view.