Author Topic: Stan used AMPS, big time!  (Read 52182 times)

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #72 on: March 22, 2009, 21:05:28 pm »
I should note that you can do vector math of systems of charges, and for electric and magnetic fields, and have net 0 effects, but in the context of what i was trying to explain they don't really fit in, also in the ~4 hours i've been thinking about this i've learned a lot myself, just piecing things together, and i can think of a few things i need to read up on more,

basically the reason for equal and opposite voltage to the cell is to create equal and opposite stress on the oxygen and hydrogen, but they do not cancel out to zero voltage, since the term "zero voltage" would just mean "equilibrium of protons and electrons" while voltage is a unit of "difference" and can be measured between any two points regardless of their equilibrium of protons and electrons. If you have learned about "hho series cells" where they put 12 volts across 6 cells, for 2 volts between each cell, then you'll realize how "voltage" works as a unit of difference.

I also think that there is a bit more going on in Stan's injector, mainly, it screws into the engine block, aka grounded, which would stop you from getting the 20,000- volts, both positive and negative electrodes would have to be insulated from each other as well as the negative electrode insulated from the outside of the injector and thus the engine block. This, or one of them is grounded and 20kv is still enough to rip the water apart.

And on that note, ionized air (missing electrons) in the water fuel mixture can also absorb the milliamps of leaked current that gets past the chokes into the cell.

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #73 on: March 22, 2009, 21:07:14 pm »
Dankie he says two things, one of them is right, and one of them is wrong, you think the right one is wrong and the wrong one is right. I'm not going to explain it to you any more.

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #74 on: March 22, 2009, 23:18:24 pm »
Dankie he says two things, one of them is right, and one of them is wrong, you think the right one is wrong and the wrong one is right. I'm not going to explain it to you any more.

Yeah Ok I guess his explanation is vague , but he clearly mentions the term *colliding* , I believe what you are saying is that the potentials are not colliding , but pushign together .

But remember that at a certain coil , Stan mention *non-voltage shift* , this means that both secondarys are at the same pressure level .

I also believe that this theory of simply pulsed high voltage has been tried many many times and has always resulted in failure , the water cannot hold a charge unless the negative electrode is coated with something to stop electron leaks .

« Last Edit: March 22, 2009, 23:52:53 pm by Dankie »

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #75 on: March 23, 2009, 01:13:07 am »
Lets put this subject aside for the moment , it is confusing me .

All this is confusing me .

Opposing or opposing ,  why is it so hard to know wich , both are incredibly different .

But when I read things like this I really feel I am right .

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #76 on: March 23, 2009, 01:53:04 am »
We should remember this from good old Bearden

Something this obscure is obviously NOT propaganda .

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #77 on: March 23, 2009, 10:43:42 am »
sorry dankie dont mean to jump of the new subject but i was gonna post this yesterday to go with this quote from earlier post

But remember that at a certain coil , Stan mention *non-voltage shift* , this means that both secondarys are at the same pressure level .

in this pic of the alternator schematic i made. it shows what the 180 phase in pulses are doing with the flow of electrons and holes (missing electrons atoms) i also want to emphasize on the words one directional flow.. that means holes are flowing one way while electrons flow the other way .
notice how i colored the bifilar coils to bring out there orientation.. notice the balance that can exist between the opposing charges allowing the bi filars chokes negative choke to keep all its electron clustering to output side  while keeping its holes on the opposite side.. it is happy because it is attracted to the electron cluster on same side sitting next to it in the positive choke.. so there electron clustering is happening to one side as wellas the other just in seperate wires.. wouldnt that balance create a non voltage shift?

during 180 out phase the negative electron pulse hitting the negtive electron cluster in the positve copper choke.. would that not act like a off switch.. electrons hitting electrons at a diode??? so that in the next 180 in hit you are stepping up in potential because the positve choke never released its hole on switch off time..

now ask what the center tap diode (negative stainless) choke is doing 180 in and out.  180 in its giving it electrons 180 out its getting hit with a pole flop of positive potential so it is colliding with holes on both sides of the diode..

realize the balance of opposing charges and there attraction to each other..

so once these charges build up to 40kv if switched off at the primarys  the choke wires still hold there pole oriented charges untill it can be consumed in the decomposition of water? remember stan stated he could turn the system on for 5 seconds and when he turned it OFF it would still produce for 94 seconds after.. he says it produces 15 times more on off time then on time..


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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #78 on: March 23, 2009, 11:54:34 am »
Great thinking outlaw , great stuff .

Outlaw is comiong along really well .

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #79 on: March 23, 2009, 14:30:49 pm »
outlaw, thanks for the diagram.
however i have some questions.
what is the red circle on the electron extraction? where is the copper bifilar going to?
it's also confusing that you speak on electrons and holes (positive charge i guess?) in a circuit diagram. are you referring to the technical or the physical current? that is important because of the diodes and in which direction they have to be set.