Author Topic: Stan used AMPS, big time!  (Read 52157 times)

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #32 on: March 21, 2009, 19:40:54 pm »
[I have read many times that you tried opposite HV with insulated electrodes.
If you still have this setup, you could try to "extract" electrons or  charge or whatever from between the isolation, maybe a lamp will do, and see what happens.


I no longer have that setup toguether. When I tested, I used 2 HV tv coils as my HV source, so I know I was testing with about 50KV.  when I applied the 50KV to 100% insulated plates, I could see the water move up the plates... similar to what you see in the water bridge video on youtube.

I then added non insulated electrodes and applied several pulsing voltages and freq, to see if water would break easier. didn't observe any thing.
I also used some Red Lazers, LEDs... no luck.

But this does not say that it will not work.... just that I could not make it work, maybe I needed to do something else. 
2 HV tv coils, a while ago you said on 50 TV which I read as teravolts  :) no doubt that would break some water apart.

The added non insulated electrodes test is interesting, how approximately did you place them?
These were added between to the insulated cells, right?

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #33 on: March 21, 2009, 23:54:17 pm »

2 HV tv coils, a while ago you said on 50 TV which I read as teravolts  :) no doubt that would break some water apart.

The added non insulated electrodes test is interesting, how approximately did you place them?
These were added between to the insulated cells, right?

50 TV... no that must have been a typo. I can't even Imagine what that would do, I'm sure I would not be alive to talk about it.

yes, the added non insulated electrodes (just wires) where placed between the other insulated electrodes.

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #34 on: March 22, 2009, 02:01:43 am »
what i mean by on the atomic level is the potentials are present do to the imbalance of charge in the chokes.. that imbalance is a electron imbalance from the displacement of them out of positive choke. you can have volts without that in ac current but its being produced by the oscilation of electrons.. not by displacement.   there somthin not yet understood with the reasons why insulated plates under high voltage doesnt work.. the stainless is not is insulated but it has properties to it that help restrict amp flow (silicon) but allow the vacuum and push electrical forces to be in the water.. maybe?? you really got to think of if it were that simple wouldnt stan of done it that way? in stephen meyers radio session he starts to talk about the stainless and somthing to do with the structure within the stainless and how the process is cold rolled to make the material..i need to listen to it again..


Thanks for the atempt to explain your point of view. Maybe one day I will get to understand.

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #35 on: March 22, 2009, 02:47:26 am »
the simplest way to say it is electrons create negative electrical force when compacted in insulated wire of exsess (Push on electrons) 29protons and 29 electrons is 0 volts(neutral) to be electrical negative charged you must have a consistancy of over 29 electrons..

 holes which are copper atoms missing electrons (emf stripped)  have a positive force (vacuum pull on electrons) so the more missing electrons creating holes gives more positive electrical force.. 

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #36 on: March 22, 2009, 04:35:35 am »
Interresting read :

Quote from aquapulser :

Stan's VIC unit that incorporated the bifilar chokes was for use not with his tubular cell set up but with his water fuel injector. The output of this unit is single phase and there are no harmonics involved, however it must also be said that Stan instead uses laser light and so there is definitely some sort of phase conjugation going on with both the alternator cell set up and the VIC water fuel injector which is a conjugated laser cavity. Scalar effects are produced byphase conjugating a wave by 180 degrees to cancel out the energy, yet it produces a "stress wave" that can have physical effects. This is very similar to Meyer's mirored pulses that one gets with the rectified output of the Alternator.  Click here to learn more about phase conjugation.

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #37 on: March 22, 2009, 14:08:52 pm »
can you give me a brief deffinition in your own words  describing these scalar waves? i havent read a whole lot on them and i  feel like you can probly point out key points like what is forming a scalar wave and what nots. paint the canvas for me buddy,


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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #38 on: March 22, 2009, 14:59:04 pm »
im reading into it and have found some interesting things.. look these terms up in wiki

Spontaneous symmetry breaking, Scalar field,  differential form. differential geometry

i was thinking deep i min ago.... if i were to try to explain electric travel in wire from the electrons point of veiw..  put your self in the electrons shoes .. your being forced by emf  back and forth in alternating current.. but are still moving forward up the hot leg at the same time. for a negative potential of electrons to travel they have to either be grounding out to earth (vacuum) at our homes or being forced by emf. i would say there going to ground.. but in order to stay moving in that direction would your forward potential(push) up swing be higher then your pull?..i would say yes.. and i would also be inclined to say that the higher upswing in ac gives the differential to show voltage.. that sounds like the most frictionist resistive way to use power(not send, but use), plus your not working with true high and low potential's

now this is how i see it from the electrons shoes in stans set up

to encounter a true positive potential and you are a electron it is like falling in the sky.. the floor comes out from under you.. weightless feeling.. to be the electron being forced into the negative choke its like going up in the space shuttle.. theres force needed..    now think about this.. those two forces on the atom effect the atom  with the same forces working both ways.. but the key to understanding is that the positve particles feel like falling towards the force side of electric(negative) and the electrons want to fall to the positve.. they both incounter  there falling in opposite direction!!.. but with both forces being present they arent just feeling the fall, there's also force behind it. so its like they have a jet pack and are doing a nose dive.  force with fall.
that fall feeling can only be constant when it is pure.. the positive wound choke should never be thown into a negative state.. 0 and up.. with the 3 phases of the alternator working together is what creates the pure posiitve potential in the positve plate.. even though one phase might be hitting 0 the others being 120 out one of them is maintaining a high potential in the plate. a constant fall.. and from what stan says the more pure potential with less ripples the more efficient since its not dealing with snapping action. he called it a clipped pulse train?


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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #39 on: March 22, 2009, 15:04:01 pm »
can you give me a brief deffinition in your own words  describing these scalar waves? i havent read a whole lot on them and i  feel like you can probly point out key points like what is forming a scalar wave and what nots. paint the canvas for me buddy,


Its not scalar waves , its opposing currents , just like two batteries in opposition , normally they cancel out . Now take this with 20,000 volts pressure , both in opposition .

The energy is cancelled out , its pointless to do this normally . But this has physical effects on the water and I believe that the tubes repel  eachother vry very fast .