Author Topic: Stan used AMPS, big time!  (Read 53053 times)

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2009, 23:43:32 pm »
Listen, i really appriciate the work that is done on the VIC.
I really do. Keep on going. I do too.
However, my question was if you guys read the same as i did when you read that patent.
Or are my eyes making a foul out of me?


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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2009, 23:48:39 pm »
What ever method used, we need to be able to produce Hydrogen efficiently...

I agree, those working on VIC, keep at it, you may uncuver something that many of US missed.

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #18 on: March 20, 2009, 23:50:42 pm »
We would lose less time if we would just all agree that the opposing wave is acting upon the water molecule . When everybody stops ignoring this I will be happy , from then on we can work by elimination .

I hate this negativism , lets not start turning in circles again .

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2009, 00:03:45 am »
We would lose less time if we would just all agree that the opposing wave is acting upon the water molecule . When everybody stops ignoring this I will be happy , from then on we can work by elimination .

I hate this negativism , lets not start turning in circles again .
Dankie, those opposing volts, is that not like using a 7812 with a 7912 regulator?
At the end, its all like having a potential difference between poles...except when you use the zero...

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #20 on: March 21, 2009, 02:23:59 am »
page 152 stan meyre full data

The resultant Dynamic Voltage Potential of Difference (opposite electrical attraction force) (SS' -
617 •... RR') is in balance phase of equal electrical intensity (66 = 67) of opposite polarity (positive
electrical voltage potential _66 equals negative electrical Voltage potential 66 since the voltage
Coefficient of Inductance (FL1/FL2), Voltage Coefficient of Capacitance (Cd1/Cd2), and voltage
Coefficient of Resistance (Rs1/Rs2) across choke coils (L1/L2) are the same values ... allowing,
Voltage Bounce Phenomenon (700) of Figure (7-9) to be preformed.

potential of difference..   

this next quote is what i have been saying this whole time and needs to be understood. its what dankies talking about as well.. its what we need to realize..  that is stans example on the atomic level...

""Magnetic Field Coupling (71) of Figure (7-9) entering into and passing through Secondary
Coil-winding (52) of Figure (7-8) causes and produces copper ions (643a xxx 643n) (Positive
Charged atoms 542a xxx 542n having missing electrons) when moving external electromagnetic
field strength (71a xxx 7In) is sufficient enough to dislodge electromagnetically charged electrons
(64Ia xxx 64In) from copper atoms making up copper wire material (52). Collectively, the resultant
positive electrical charged copper ions (642a xxx 642n) added together produces Positive Voltage
Potential (629) being electrically applied to choke-coil (56); whereas, the "Liberated" negative
electrical charged electrons (64Ia xxx 64In) added together provides Negative Voltage Potential (631) to the opposite end of Secondary Wire (52) being electrically connected to choke
coil (62). Once Secondary Coil-winding (52) is de-energized by the removal (collapsing magnetic
field during pulse off-time T2 of external Magnetic Field (71), the dislodged electrons (641a xx
641n) return to positive charged copper ions (642a xx 642n) ... terminating and switching off
opposite voltage potential (629 - 631) when positive electrical state of the copper atoms changes
back to net electrical charge of zero. Sustaining and maintaining the resultant induced Voltage
Potential (Vo - Vn) without "Electron Discharged" (inhibiting electron flow) through Choke Coil
(62) while, at the same time, inhibiting (preventing) any additional or other electrons from entering
into Secondary copper wire-zone (52) by way of Choke Coil (56) is herein called "Electron Bounce
Phenomenon" (EbP), as illustrated in (700) of Figure (7-9).""

""Collectively, the resultant
positive electrical charged copper ions (642a xxx 642n) added together produces Positive Voltage""

key words  ions added together... to add them together there is a real number count of copper atoms that can be positive chaged present for a given length of wire.. thats what stan means by capacitance fellas.. 

now realy focus on how he says collectivley added together.. means more room more capaciticance.

this is whats happening in the chokes on a atomic level..  to create difference.


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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #21 on: March 21, 2009, 12:01:10 pm »
What I read in the patent of the first post is:
the combustion cycle generates power by coupling it to an alternator, this power is fed back to the hydrogen generator, so less current is needed from the power source itself.

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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #22 on: March 21, 2009, 12:08:24 pm »
What I read in the patent of the first post is:
the combustion cycle generates power by coupling it to an alternator, this power is fed back to the hydrogen generator, so less current is needed from the power source itself.

Thank you!


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Re: Stan used AMPS, big time!
« Reply #23 on: March 21, 2009, 13:40:11 pm »
No problem, guess we read the same, but  I can't conclude from this amps are being used, only that his 302807 hydrogen generator is fed by the output power of  the system.
Don't know what the output of the hydrogen generator of 302807 looks like, can't find this patent