Thats because you are just not innovating Jolt , This is a phycal process on the water molecule , not a chemical one , remember that . The molecule is moving in a certain way and being affected by certain forces , *voltage* is the tool Stan used , let voltage do work .
Theres this opposing wave that can be replicated by anyone and has been proven to have exactly the same waveform , in the best condition this always results on 0 voltage across the cell , this does something to the water . But that alone wont produce gas , we know this ...
So now we must work by elimination ., there is a sequence here where the molecule is weakened at some point in time and thats when we *pull* with our real voltage . You have to understand this and stop thinkin *dielectric breakdown by voltage* ... You have to stop banging your head against the wall , everytime you get hurt and there is blood on the floor , you must find a new way to break the wall .
I made a montage of what I think the Stephen meyers waveform represents , not sure if this is good .