300m should have been 30000m: wavelength = c / f -> 3E8/1E4 = 3E4 meter, so to get a single complete ripple on the waveguide, it has to be 3E4 m = 30km.
this also applies to voltage, yes?
so, if you want to create a voltage ripple traveling on the waveguide (like the ripples created on a water surface), forming waves exactly like 8-1 and 8-2, simultaneously seen by the water; wavelength of the voltage pulses must be way smaller, for example, a 10 cm long waveguide which contains 10 pulses of 1 cm each, frequency is c (m/s) / wavelength (m) = 3e10 Hz = 30 GHz .
The ripple sequence as seen on 8-1 and 8-2 won't occur, because of the low frequency.
(the number of Voltage Pulse Fields Vpf occurring per unit of space-time)
your input is much appreciated.