it was able to isolate 2 of the phases pulse ..isolated ground is another big hint.. im not 100 sure if my wiring is correct but you can grasp the concepts .. .. what im trying to figure out right now is if the cooper winds are even hooked up.. i think there not. just the stainless steel. t
from zero voltage ground
state (Vo) to a predetermined Voltage Level ( xxx 64 x - 64y - 64z - Vn) on the leading edge of the
Voltage Pulse-Wave (Vpa) and, then, reversing voltage up swing to drop on the trailing edge (Vpb),
completing Voltage-wave (583). The newly established leading voltage edge (Vpa) and trailing
voltage edge (Vpb) being uniform in shape/configuration since both Resonant Charging Chokes
(56/Z2 – 62/Z3) resistive values are the same (Typically 11.6 k? each) ..
"(Vpa)//(Vbp) being uniform in shape/configuration since both Resonant Charging Chokes
(56/Z2 – 62/Z3) resistive values are the same (Typically 11.6 k? each) ."
so we can say that the stainless choke is for inductance and cap of voltage present from outter wound secondary choke
but needs to be of equal resistive value so Vpa or Vpa doent jump into the cell to early.. it keeps them in timing with each outher because they have the same flow rate.
(Vp)= voltage pulse wave
notice there is a A and B upswings and trailing edges understand what that means its as if he is makeing the water into a sine wave throwing it away from state of equalibrium
+B600v/0v ----------------------- +B600v/-B600v------------------- +B0v/-B600v
(Vpa) (V0) (Vpb)
so since the alternator only spins in one direction you get a repetative action being gated on and this
(A,0,B,A,0,B,A,0,B,A,0,B) GATE (A,0,B,A,0,B,A,0,B,A,0,B) GATE (A,0,B,A,0,B,A,0,B,A,0,B)
A pulling left, B pulling right, and 0 being +600 and -600= 0
now lets say you take the copper positve choke wire and hooked it to a stainless tube right above your ouput gas.. you can extract electrons into copper chokes and have a led array for burning off the electrons