ElectroJolt I am impressed.
I assembled my PWM, had a single problem and was the fact that I put in the wrong resistors for R6.
Once I installed the proper resistors 2.2k in those 3 positions this PWM worked better than I would have thought.
My signals are much clearer and accurate and think this is due to a combination of your circuit and the fact that I am using a couple 100k precision pots.
I have to say the precision pots react with precision to the scope displayed waveform. Much more tighter tuning is available for me now.
This PWM blows the socks off my home brew Lawton pwm.
I am running at a more controlled current now because of the duty cycle.
Adjustments are much easier. Signals are cleaner for me.
Signaling options with 3 channel control are now possible.
I really think this is a bonus, the options I now have with 3 channels of this PWM.
Oh yah and the channel switchs can add control to the channel I'm currently using. An added extra.
Don't think you need to because its pretty darn nice as it is. Great to have the added abilitys though.
The fact that the signals were very clean added to my inductors now I'm able to blend some harmonics.
From the bounce factor of the inductors I get a clean scope display and can see how the waveform multiply's inside.
Don't think I was able to see this before with such clarity on my scope.
The clean signal and stabilty now allow me to actually see the waveform I'm making with the inductor harmonics and manipulate it.
I highly recomend this PWM to everybody that has a basic standard Lawton type or homebrew 555's type.
This was definately a step up for me.
More options and clean signals.