stevie !!!!! mathhhhhhh stevie MATH!!! hahah sorry but you just took the just included the left side spacing and the right side need to take the radius!!!! NOT THE DIAMETERRRRR.....your math is right for the diameter now just divide it by 2!
Hi Kinesis,
well, As you state it like this, it looks like i done something dumn...but....
But the facts as i see are different: = 2 times the radius
WO1992007861A1.pdf page 9 and page 14
Rod of 0.5 inch outer diameter = 0.5 x 25.4 = 12.7mm
Tube of 0.75 inside diameter = 0.75 x 25.4 = 19.05mm
Total gap = 6.35mm
Devided by 2 = 3.175mm
Gapspace is accoording to this doc of Stan 3mm.
In fact, i have those tubes here on my desk.......and they prove the same.
On page 9 of WO 198901270A1 Stan descripes an example:
The outside cyilinder was 0.75 inch in inside diameter; the inner cylinder was 0.5 inch in outer diameter.
Spacing from the outside of the innersurface of the inside cylinder to the inner surface of the outside cylinder was 0.0625 inch.
That 0.0625 is 1.5mm.........
Well, i eat my shoe, if i know what that Meyer person wants to tell....
