I would ike to point something out on the ongoing saga of no-one being able to replicate Stan's work. (Please note all of the following is based on the pretence that Stan is telling us the truth)
He left behind enough evidence to tell us what he was doing but not how to replicate it. So everyone, IMO, has gone about this a little bit wrong. Everyone is replicating based on specifics rather than concept. Did Stan or did he not spend almost a year with Phur? Studying and understanding what he had accomplished? I am yet to see (and I am not doing it as it doesn't interest me) someone split water with frequency at any voltage. The community has taken his notes as gospel rather than confirming it. He says there is a frequency where water "falls apart" (for lack of a better term). The concept i don't deny, infact there is a lot of merit to the idea (Tesla proved it in his day!). But no-one has proved it. That in my opinion is where people are loosing there steam with this method. Perhaps someone who has all the equipment willing to give it a go have a look into what frequency improves the production the most (that sweet spot). I would not be interested in predetermined frequencies as they have all been tested.