its a proper question to ask what everybody is doing and what they want with this subject.
I talk often with claudio and i understand his feelings. everybody should understand it.
its sooo often a big frustration when you try lots of things and having no results.
I agree with kenisis and hope you all stick together here. Take a break, if needed, but come back.
I am searching for investors. As you have read, i run a 600Cc 4 cylinder engine on my current wfc.
I need to build a new one accoording to the findings i made with this setup.
So i build a website for finding money.
www.organisationx.comI can promise the investor a waterrunning car in 1 year.
On the building part, i have some projects running. At this moment i rebuild the 1.5inch vic with a 3inch tube and rod,
like stan descripes in his wo and patent, with the current knowledge.
I am waiting for the ss wire vic builders to see their results.
So, plse keep on going, take a break, if needed, and come back!
Love you all, people!