Hi Keith and Wouter,
Its truth that I used just a car battery for this vid. Hydro and me are just having some fun tricking some fouls out there.
Perhaps not too nice, but we have seen so many other vids out there not telling the thruth and I receive from these people reply's!
So we know that they lie.
But serious, now:
The other more serious reson is for you guys to have a way to compare your output to my output. I think strait dc from a car battery is very good for this, because its the same for everybody.
dont get dissapointed here!!!
My new electronic circuit gives me a
BETTER output then on strait DC......
So my final output will be better then you see on my vids!!!
I still have to mount a gauge on my wfc, so I can measure gasoutput soon.
I know for sure that we are ahead of many others outthere and we run an 4 stroke engine very soon.