Hi all,
The brown smuck coming from the water is part of the chemical proces of electrolysis.
The better your cell is, the more junk you get in your water.
I mean, if you use tap or well or rain water.
Thats the reason why many researchers went to use destilled and KOH or other chemicals.
The big problem they have is that they forget that those chemicals are having influence on the burnrate of their gas.
Thats why they think that they need so much gas for running an engine.
So, there is only 1 thing you can do and that is filtering your water.
Thats why my system is a CLOSED water loop with a small pump and a big waterfilter.
Stan Meyer also used a coalfilter in his tubecell accourding to his patents.
He also used a electrode that attrackted the junk from the water.
No sure how that works, but i am working on that right now.
I use a coalfilter of 10u and that works fine. Now i can run my system for more then 2 hours, before all things are messed up by junk.
And thats just a start. Another thing is that you need a good size watertank. The more water in your circuit the better it is.
I spent hours in the pool/pond shop for looking at poolfilters / pondfilters. They gave me some good idea's.
A small tip: If you have a small setup, then you can start with a very cheap petrol filter which you buy in every car parts shop.
Buy the biggest you can get. Sadly enough, they cannot be cleaned...so, after some time you have to dump them.
If you want something better and that you can clean, then google for : pentek filters
or check out ebay on that.....
http://www.google.co.uk/products?hl=en&q=pentek+filters&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&resnum=1&ct=titleThe casing i have is shown on a pic below