Ok I am still receiving strange emails , I have changed email adress .
I hope me and my partners will be courageous till the end .
Havent been called since the incident . I am not afraid and see this as an exciting period of my life .
Wish us luck , plz report anything strange , it makes you feel safer .
From now on we must believe in the guardian angels of Stanley Meyers , I feel there mat be a positive force watching over us if this mumjo jumbo is real ...
I am confident we will be allowed to go forward as the world is changing very fast and we are unsure of who is at the top now , for that we must be thankful . If this was truely a fascist state we would be in prison already .
But still , we must thread lightly ... I wonder if I am not getting overly paranoid sometimes , I was the type of guy to get paranoid when I first joined these sites and knew nothing lol !!!
I truely admire Stan for standing firm , he must have been constantly worried ...