Author Topic: Keeping note of me crapping my pants  (Read 8866 times)

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Keeping note of me crapping my pants
« on: January 01, 2009, 13:50:43 pm »
This is to keep track of what is happening to me , from now on everything that happens to me I will say it in the open .

This whole thing started ever since I have been really annoying people to join a new free-source research team posting publicly @ every site . I have basically been pushing and pushing in a really annoying way .

About 2 weeks ago , I have been receiving some very odd emails , Emails starting with the following...

Hey old boy !
Hey weird guy !
Hey buddy !
Respects buddy !
Hello friend !

Emails are always sent to my email with some link to some blogspot ( yes I was crazy enough to open them but dont worry didnt go to link ) ... but they are adressed to another email ( sent to my email but adressed to these emails) ... dankherb@ , dankshut@ , dankgraves@ .... and the strangest of all , my old email adress that I never used for at least a year , I never use that email  dankie187@

I posted about this in  Stevie's thread after Stevie joked about the MIB , I posted some negative comments about Stevie also ,  but later that day I opened my email and saw that somebody knew my old email dankie187 , I had already been receiving the dank other stuff a few days before that and it didnt bother me ... I then said I believed him and talked about this incident .  But Stevie was just joking about that and he didnt want any negative comments that had nothing to do with his thread so he cleaned the thread , now the thread is cleaned of me talking about this incident , I should have kept note of that incident  in this thread .,793.msg7396.html#msg7396

Now I am officially crapping my pants ... This isnt a game anymore ... Today january 2nd , In the night of january 2nd ..

I have been called tonight @ 3:30 am , somebody called my house and hanged up when I answer , blocked number  ... I came back drunk last night from a friend who lives nearby  so I didnt think much of it , but now that I am sober I am really shaking .

My friends NEVER  call me @ my house , always on my cellphone ... ESPECIALLY not this late , the last time somebody called this late must be like 10 years ago I dont even remember ....I NEVER GET CALLED SO LATE ...  I have few friends , and I know them well enough to know 100% that they would never do this . There is no history of a crazy person stalking this family ... EVER .   The phone rang like 5 times before somebody  answered so it wasnt like a mistake and hang up thing...

I am always complaining that I dont have much minutes left on my phone but still ... I had minutes tho  , but I dont quite remember if my phone was on or not at the time ...  Anyways I seriously doubt one my friends would do this , I will call them later today and see , now it is 8:am january 2nd ...

Everybody was woken up by this and went back to sleep soon after... Luckily , everybody is on vacation .

And I am still getting these strange emails  at least one very 2 days ... I dare not to open them anymore .

Is this some kind of psy-attack ???

Is this somekind of sick joke ?

I'm starting to seriously believe in this fukkin boogeyman

I will try to call my phone-provider today and see if I can track this call

I believe it is a wrong number person trying to contact a family member for holidays , who hanged up because he was ashamed ....  ???

« Last Edit: January 01, 2009, 17:39:50 pm by Dankie »

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Re: Keeping note of me crapping my pants
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2009, 16:16:28 pm »
you pissed a lot of people on the net so you think there is psychopaths around and some stupid one like to have fun the phone incident is nothing it is holiday time  as foe emails try to open the blog from some internet cafe not from your laptop and see where it leads ,me personally it is the hang over effect of the alcohol   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D.


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Re: Keeping note of me crapping my pants
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2009, 16:28:32 pm »
you *  a lot of people on the net so you think there is psychopaths around and some stupid one like to have fun the phone incident is nothing it is holiday time  as foe emails try to open the blog from some internet cafe not from your laptop and see where it leads ,me personally it is the hang over effect of the alcohol   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D.


Lets think logically ...

Ive been pissing everybody off trying to sell this fukkin wire and arguing with everybody , engineers , site admins  and others . I have crushed many opponents during the past year so I have many ppl who dont like me and wish to have me banned .

Did you see how I crapped on ??

That site deserves to be crapped on , its the most crap filled site on the internet , I feel like strangling every pathetic hippie @ that site they are such broke *  people didnt even sell 1 fukkin order over there ...

Lets think logically .... but with a hint of paranoia in the mix ...

The timing of all of this is suspicious , I must be stupidest genius on the net right now exposing myself to such danger , nobody is getting @ it like I am atm littereally setting up the whole thing from A to Z

these may indeed be signs from them ... we know they operate from a probable deniability standpoint ...

But these signs only make the cake smell better to me , they should offer me a million   RIGHT NOW !!!!!!!!

« Last Edit: January 01, 2009, 17:27:09 pm by Dankie »

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Re: Keeping note of me crapping my pants
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2009, 17:07:29 pm »
YOu have to understand that this HHo thing boomed up this summer and most of the people do not know fk all in electronic or electricity every time i try to contact someone that in Quebec or Canada i see that  i am giving more than receiving .
Dankie it is not about crushing anybody it is about convincing it is not a war ,what killed your credibility is that you only post you do not show anything ,hope now that you received you coated wire and sold most off it you can comeback to all the site and prove them wrong   . ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Keeping note of me crapping my pants
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2009, 17:21:41 pm »
YOu have to understand that this HHo thing boomed up this summer and most of the people do not know fk all in electronic or electricity every time i try to contact someone that in Quebec or Canada i see that  i am giving more than receiving .
Dankie it is not about crushing anybody it is about convincing it is not a war ,what killed your credibility is that you only post you do not show anything ,hope now that you received you coated wire and sold most off it you can comeback to all the site and prove them wrong   . ;D ;D ;D


At this moment this is a bit stressful to me , I wish I could undo some mistakes I made I only sold wire here anyways , and a bit on , should have been more low-key and less big-mouth ...

I have been barking my ass off too loudly , maybe I should shut up anyways and dont care so much lol .... not that I care but I am actually dragging people along lol ...
« Last Edit: January 01, 2009, 17:48:43 pm by Dankie »

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Re: Keeping note of me crapping my pants
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2009, 19:44:59 pm »
It looks like Dankie is growing up a little bit... ;)
Only dum people don't look back and dont learn.......dont forget that.
Keep on going soulsearching, Dankie!


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Re: Keeping note of me crapping my pants
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2009, 20:14:37 pm »
the logical solution to this would be to close or abandon your existing email accounts and open  2 new ones  and only give out the the account information to the people you want to have it 

when dealing with forums it is usual for people to have 2 email address one they give for registration purposes  and forum contact  this one can be abanded or closed at any time.  The  another one is used for  private purposes such as online purchases , close personal freinds and other personal issues  this one is generally your life long email address if you dont  use it  foolishly

if this persit after that then you need to clean out your computer cause it is infected with something

as for the late night phone call i would forget about it  it was nothing but  a late night phone call  government agency or who ever  would not bother to call you and leave incriminating evidence that could be linked to them they would just abduct you and kill you it is easyier and would not lead to the posting

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Re: Keeping note of me crapping my pants
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2009, 00:15:50 am »
I have nothing financial related to this email it is just a chat email with other stuff .

My other email I use for paypal only , and we only access it from my brothers comp since he has vista and good antivirus .

Anyways nobody called me last night  .But I do have some strange drunken friends who know I am a bit paranoid haha .

I didnt call my phone provider , too lazy ...

I will let this incident die off .... As I see this as nothing that makes sense

I have a feeling that I may be infected by some scammer network of some sort , you wouldnt believe what message I got @ my , god knows my computer security isnt very strong .

Some nigerian guy offering me investment opportunity with some crazy story about the goverment over there and bla bla bla  wants my $ ...
« Last Edit: January 02, 2009, 01:35:43 am by Dankie »