Hi members,
The last years we seen lots of waterfuelcells being build.
Many of you produce some amount of hydrogen/oxygen on demand!

Thats the start of the whole proces. When we look at how people like Stan Meyer powerd his engine, then we can say that he changed the energystate of the produced hydrogen/oxyhen mix. He was prevending the re-combining of the atoms from hydrogen and oxygen to water molecules as long as possible. That way he gained much more power from the same amount of produced gas.
The theory of Stan Meyer was to plug electrons out of the gas.
That way, the hydrogen atom couldnt be linked to the oxygen atom.
On the otherside, if it is possible to plug out the electrons of the oxygen atom, then it will stay unstable as well.
There has and is always the question if we have to believe Stan Meyer.
Hydrocars tried and confirmed the High Voltage ionization proces and shared this some months ago with us!
So the proces has basically confirmed. Now its time to confirm it all together.
So, here we are.

We of the Ionizationx team hope that you join in and publish your idea's and building projects, so we all learn and end up with an engine running with less produced gas!