I watched the Colorado video and i understand why some people find this an interesting video.
Stan talked about at 1:26 and some seconds about his view on free energy.
Here is my little summary of what he said:
How can a little seed become a tree? How can it increase mass?
It is manufacturings atoms, molecules, chemical processes and life......
That something!
Action = reaction!
Light energy has intelligenc and opens the vortex and becomes photon energy.
Photon energy groups together and becomes Electrons.
Electrons go ahead and forms protons.
Protons go ahead and forms molecules
Molecules go ahead and forms chemical processes,
Chemical processes sustain life!
Where does the energy come from?
Stable state = what natur does.Its a law!
Atoms in stable state have moving parts, like electrons....where does that energy come from?
It has an electrical charge, it has a magnetical field, move thru an electrical static field.
If it is stable, how does it maintain its energylevels?
Where does the energy come from?
Its somekind of vortex. A third dimension...
You must understand how to tricker that vortex / energy.
Stans example: By using voltage, he slowed down the spinning of the electrons of an atom.
By doing this, the atoms wants to compensate and will access that unknown energysource.
It all sounds pretty ok to me.
Food for my brain, so to speak.