So this is Stans electrostatic filter , it seems to me like this is a cross-sectionnal view , probably that its not really a filter , but more an a closed loop impurities trapper , seems pretty straightforward... Uses high voltage ...
Stan never patented this and doesn't talk about this alot . Pobably already was patented many times . You cant reinvent the wheel lol....
Once you can make an all-on-1 vic this thing will be a snap , no hidden science here at all...
Probably a good coating between the plates where they are the closest .
The particules are gonna follow the the magnetic field and turn constantly , the water will conduct , the point is not to make an open ciruit here. They probably keep turning on their own inertia on pulse-off time...
We are basically using the magnetic field and creating a closed loop trap for the particules . The whole thing is probably washed and flushed out every once in a while ...
This is exactly what i mean ...
Stan is using an advantageous shape to trap particules , thats all...
So now you know what exactly is the idea with this...
i'm guessing this could be something pretty small...
Anyways now that we have identified the components of the system , we must as ourselves what else is there to this...