Ok I will now reveal and totally simplify the delivery system ... I think the Meyers delivery was too complex and he tried to simplify it with this design...
The injector was in fact filled with water each engine cycle...the idea was not to create gas efficiently , the idea was to explode water and get the most power possible from each drop of water ,
efficientlyIt is a HUGE shortcut compared to the other technique of producing alot of gas , process that gas for more power , feed it to the motor , with this technique you are spending so much effort trying to keep the gas from recombining into water again...
Also , what Stan never mentions , is that this principle works for ambient air as well... whats stopping us from making a secondary outside cylinder that uses same voltage source ? As we know voltage isnt consumed in an electornic circuit.... We will be getting 20,000+ volts from VIC coil 6-1 , more than enough to ionize ambient air ... So in the end it leaves us with a simple delivery system that we can control with a simple ratio of air/water...
Personally , being an ultra-logic person , i think this is the only method that makes sense ... quickest usage after processing ... least parts ...self-ignition ... very little apparent variables ... extremely safe ...
The taper geometry itself acts as a gas processor... It adds additional "electric stress" to the water without your lazy * having to do nothing more than build the taper...
And we know how to slow down process ,
efficiently ..... and we know how to control the power ( with voltage or water quantity ) .... OMG PWNZORS !!!
So all those variables aside ... whats left
