Author Topic: unipolar pulse trains  (Read 132099 times)

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Re: unipolar pulse trains
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2008, 04:17:43 am »
alright so here is the deal.....50 percent duty cycle 12 volt input into audio transformer, primary is isolated from secondary, 40-45 volt output off secondary is then sent into diode brigde, unipolar pulses come out exactly as in stanley meyers patents......unipolar pulse goes through diode into 3.3 millihenry bifilar wound inductor which then goes through the capcitor bank which is equal on both sides of the chokes.....10 Mohm.......this is then dropped into the 1 inch or less cell.......i can get resonance at this amount of water forms the tidal waveform......i need to get this on a larger scale......any ideas?...i'm going to get up after this and try the flyback transformer into this setup.

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Re: unipolar pulse trains
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2008, 07:40:04 am »
alright soooooo othe flybacks output frequency is incompatible with setup of meyers would take an entirely different system .....i did get bubbles with 4-5kv at .004 amps but nothing I HAVE A BEAUTIFUL unipolar stepup wave form......i will make a video tomorrow.....i got the unipolar pulse to work withouth the bridge diode.....come to to find out my other diode wasn't working, somehow it is the thing i am stuck at......i only have 10 volts in my cell with my cell being around 1 inch or less tall......the taller the cell the less the seems my vic isn't putting out enough voltage and is putting in a few amps meaning less than energy is lost somewhere and if i can only get this resistance down correctly i think i am done......i have everything perfectly DOES NAYONE HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS AS WHAT TO ADD TO MY SYSTEM TO INCREASE MY CELLS is the overall block diagram....

i think i am going to buy some VERY STRONG RESISTORS TOMORROW i think my problem is my microwave capacitors.....they are an odd form of resistance they DO WORK but i feel there is a better way.....SHIT IS GOING DOWN.

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Re: unipolar pulse trains
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2008, 09:44:44 am »
alright soooooo othe flybacks output frequency is incompatible with setup of meyers would take an entirely different system .....i did get bubbles with 4-5kv at .004 amps but nothing I HAVE A BEAUTIFUL unipolar stepup wave form......i will make a video tomorrow.....i got the unipolar pulse to work withouth the bridge diode.....come to to find out my other diode wasn't working, somehow it is the thing i am stuck at......i only have 10 volts in my cell with my cell being around 1 inch or less tall......the taller the cell the less the seems my vic isn't putting out enough voltage and is putting in a few amps meaning less than energy is lost somewhere and if i can only get this resistance down correctly i think i am done......i have everything perfectly DOES NAYONE HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS AS WHAT TO ADD TO MY SYSTEM TO INCREASE MY CELLS is the overall block diagram....

i think i am going to buy some VERY STRONG RESISTORS TOMORROW i think my problem is my microwave capacitors.....they are an odd form of resistance they DO WORK but i feel there is a better way.....SHIT IS GOING DOWN.


Can you please be more specific on that capacitor bank of you?
Is it a capacitor in parallel with yr tubes?
Or is it a RC comby?


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Re: unipolar pulse trains
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2008, 15:46:24 pm »
alright soooooo othe flybacks output frequency is incompatible with setup of meyers would take an entirely different system .....i did get bubbles with 4-5kv at .004 amps but nothing I HAVE A BEAUTIFUL unipolar stepup wave form......i will make a video tomorrow.....i got the unipolar pulse to work withouth the bridge diode.....come to to find out my other diode wasn't working, somehow it is the thing i am stuck at......i only have 10 volts in my cell with my cell being around 1 inch or less tall......the taller the cell the less the seems my vic isn't putting out enough voltage and is putting in a few amps meaning less than energy is lost somewhere and if i can only get this resistance down correctly i think i am done......i have everything perfectly DOES NAYONE HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS AS WHAT TO ADD TO MY SYSTEM TO INCREASE MY CELLS is the overall block diagram....

i think i am going to buy some VERY STRONG RESISTORS TOMORROW i think my problem is my microwave capacitors.....they are an odd form of resistance they DO WORK but i feel there is a better way.....SHIT IS GOING DOWN.

From my tests, the reason you can't get your voltage over 10 volts with your set up, is because when you increase voltage, the water resistance decreases, so it conducts more and you will need more AMPs to increase your voltage. and since your current set up might have a 0.5 AMPs your set up is limited to the 10volts.

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Re: unipolar pulse trains
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2008, 18:03:50 pm »
well im not increasing voltage goes into my transformer at 12 volts around 2.2 amps and comes out 40 volts at .66 amps and then between the bifilar coil and the capacitor bank it drops to 10 volts but remains around teh same amount of voltage is never being played with it remains the same throughout....i just feel that my resistance is working the way it is intended.....and when i put a volt meter to my electrodes i would assume to see the votlage go from zero to w/e then drop to zero over and over again as the capacitor charges and discharges but it just remains at a constant 10 volts.....less water higher voltage........i'm going to get some strong resistors to replace the capacitors today.

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Re: unipolar pulse trains
« Reply #13 on: October 30, 2008, 04:26:30 am »
crap i can't seem to get the same pulse tidal wave form i had yesterday......but besides that i have a problem......ok well first off the diode takes the square waves and half rectifies them I HAVE now no pulse is below the zero the bifilar coil is supposed to take that half rectified wave form and on the off pulses make an equal pulse of the same voltage........THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN.....MY BIFILAR COIL ISN'T DOING THIS AT ALL......this is why im not getting a true step charging affect.....i get a load of shit and my water capacitor doesn't fill to its break down levels.......i got two 12 k ohm resistors rated at 30 watt......this is the closest to the 11.6 kiloohm i could anyone out there with a working bifilar coil??? i have it made correctly so i have no idea wtf is going on....image 4 is what i'm after......

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Re: unipolar pulse trains
« Reply #14 on: October 30, 2008, 09:24:14 am »
alright major info here.....this might just be it.....

this is a qoute from naudin

"I have conducted some tests to understand better the working process in the TEP.
The main goal of these series of tests is to compare Bifilar coils and Bucking
coils for their inductive and Back EMF effects.
I have used :
- a BIFILAR coil L1,L2 ( interweaved ) which has a calculated inductance
  of 0.59 mH ( each )
- a BUCKING coil L1,L2 ( in serial ) which has a calculated inductance
  of 0.75 mH ( each )
The tested coils are switched through a transistor BDX53C by a square wave
The inducted signal is received through a coil L3 ( wounded around the bifilar ).
Calculated inductance : L3 = 7.6 mH"

so he has a bifilar wound coil L1 AND L2........and then has another coil wound around it L3...this is how he gets a pulse on the off pulse.......i will have to try this.....we need back EMF when the fields collapse.....if this doesn't work i think something might be up with my water capacitor.......maybe the container it's in is grounding it or something.

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Re: unipolar pulse trains
« Reply #15 on: October 30, 2008, 11:41:56 am »
crap i can't seem to get the same pulse tidal wave form i had yesterday......but besides that i have a problem......ok well first off the diode takes the square waves and half rectifies them I HAVE now no pulse is below the zero the bifilar coil is supposed to take that half rectified wave form and on the off pulses make an equal pulse of the same voltage........THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN.....MY BIFILAR COIL ISN'T DOING THIS AT ALL......this is why im not getting a true step charging affect.....i get a load of shit and my water capacitor doesn't fill to its break down levels.......i got two 12 k ohm resistors rated at 30 watt......this is the closest to the 11.6 kiloohm i could anyone out there with a working bifilar coil??? i have it made correctly so i have no idea wtf is going on....image 4 is what i'm after......

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