How about looking at where heat is being created. Take for example a single led light, a single resistor and a battery. Can you calculate where the heat will be lost, or consumed? Led, 600 Ohm Resistor, 12 volts. There is the solution to answer that question.
Where does the Power go, where is it consumed? Take a look at your circuits, is it what you thought?
How is it you can trick the energy directing it to where you desire, would then the fuel cell become part of the circuit? Is a fuel cell a condenser or capacitor? What exactly is a condenser used for anyways? Can anyone answer that? In the vic, can you calculate where the power is being consumed and in what form it gives? If so, why is the amp consuming device also generating power to be consumed, how is that possible? What would be impossible, and what would not. If the device doesn't work as stated then it simply doesn't work because 1000 tried it many times, or maybe because the generating device was not generating because it cant or was not "functioning properly."