John`s interpretation was wrong , this is how the coils should be connected . Those dots opposing eachother is the results of your misunderstanding . Now a bifilar wound like this induces current in the other wire making it a twin clone , both burrents going in the same direction , north magnetic field aligned . Now the only thing that was keeping John`s connection alive is when Stan calls for field to ``electro-magnetically aligned on the same side of the core`` .
There is nothing wrong with your pulsing . Solder yourself a Jolt circuit and take a 12V battery , this is what I am doing . I would say a frequency generator is not so good compared to the new Jolt circuit with a battery . Perhaps install that pulse pickup circuit and see if you cant light up a led in a narrow frequency band , ask jolt more questions about this .
So now if you wanna narrow it down with brute force trial and error , besides going throught frequencies with your Jolt circuit , you should play with your tubes , as Stephen Meyers said this is like an antenna , an antenna to Heavens Energy ... The heaven energbvy is doing the work , you are just opening up the door for Heaven energy to come in .