Author Topic: unipolar pulse trains  (Read 130156 times)

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Re: unipolar pulse trains
« Reply #232 on: April 12, 2009, 16:37:45 pm »
John`s interpretation was wrong , this is how the coils should be connected . Those dots opposing eachother is the results of your misunderstanding . Now a bifilar wound like this induces current in the other wire making it a twin clone , both burrents going in the same direction , north magnetic field aligned . Now the only thing that was keeping John`s connection alive is when Stan calls for field to ``electro-magnetically aligned on the same side of the core`` .

There is nothing wrong with your pulsing . Solder yourself a Jolt circuit and take a 12V battery  , this is what I am doing . I would say a frequency generator is not so good compared to the new Jolt circuit  with a battery . Perhaps install that pulse pickup circuit and see if you cant light up a led in a narrow frequency band , ask jolt more questions about this .

So now if you wanna narrow it down with brute force trial and error , besides going throught frequencies with your Jolt circuit ,  you should play with your tubes  , as Stephen Meyers said this is like an antenna , an antenna to Heavens Energy ... The heaven energbvy is doing the work , you are just opening up the door for Heaven energy to come in .

« Last Edit: April 12, 2009, 17:39:12 pm by Dankie »

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Re: unipolar pulse trains
« Reply #233 on: April 12, 2009, 20:33:08 pm »
oh dankie.....

JOHN your coil is built 100% correctly.

i have finally seen the double pulse exactly as stated in the patent from a single 50 percent duty cycle input.

i understand how resonance works even with a diode....gating.

seeing that the high resistivity of the water is dampening my overall signal all i need to do is apply more power......i can only modulate my amplitude to 5 volts......if i can do this at atleast 12 volts then it should be completed.....

it would be great if we could construct the exact pulsing circuit as in the independant report....but as of now everything meyers has eve said is 100% correct.

i have connected it the way dankie describes with no effect......voltage does not reach anywhere near reaches around 450 volts.

once again aaron M was correct along with stanley meyers.......they are wound bifilar together yet have there voltages sent in opposing directions which is what the dot orientation is.

dankie your connections will not crete a magnetic field at all.....(there is no high pitch ring either).....and even stan has said that the magnetic field also holds back current.......your connections dankie will not raise voltage and hold current.

im sorry but you are completely wrong for the final time.

i will mess around with power amplitudes today and see if there is a way to some how increase my modulation.

and for komtek who said that his "source" told him that 6-1 cannot be used for tubes is a complete farce from h2opower.....who is usually correct......but the injectors are a capcitor.....the 3 inch tubes are a capacitor......there for the inductor can form an RLC network regardless.......there is no difference between the 3 inch tubes and the injector......just different frequencies due to capacitance....komtek you have also mentioned the bridge rectifier which is completely true......but then this prove to be less efficient then a 50 percent pulse going into the bifilar inductor......look at it this take a 50% duty cylce pulse and push it through a single diode into the bifilar coil.....on the off pulse it creates another pulse of the same polarity......(the scope shot).....this is the unipolar pulse stan speaks of......that would then go into the your other idea is one i used to do all the time to understand resonance since i could never get a perfect double your way would be to take a 50 percent pulse and full wave rectify it create the same thing as above....but then if you send that pulse into the bifilar inductor there will never be an off section in the unipolar pulses (until gated) and the coil will have it's magnetic field constantly activated this will eventually lead to heat and loss of power....stan has mentioned this method since it can work......but in operating conditions of some length of time you will be slowly burning up your electronics.......the scope shot above is the double pulse with a 50 percent duty cycle......those double pulses are 1.06kv at an amperage that is not on my meter......the amperage isn't even picked up on my meter.

i need to get to the 3.3 amp current draw......this is my goal.

no more theories......hands on before you make assumptions.

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Re: unipolar pulse trains
« Reply #234 on: April 12, 2009, 20:55:59 pm »
So you are getting that transformer to work with my connection .

So Aaron is right and Meyers is wrong ?? I think not ...  No effect is what it should look like unless you actually see gas production.

If it was connected like you say it is than what are Meyers drawings showing , something to be ignored?? 

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Re: unipolar pulse trains
« Reply #235 on: April 12, 2009, 21:02:43 pm »
dankie....meyers and aaron have the same connection.....same as tesla......same as john's coil....

edit:....i see why you are confused are looking at john's little arrows on the wires........those are not correct in that interpretation......that is not how electricity flows in this circuit....electrons travel in the opposite direction to current....there is a opposing electron flow becuase of the diode and the pumping action......i don't know why i never explained are thinking in terms of electricity......that is not the is electron flow we are looking at to accomplish the electron bounce phenomena.....take john's original dot orientation drawing and move the inductors in your mind and it is identical to the vic circuit stan shows over and over and over again......i see you do not understand the complexities of electricty.....this is a 100% percent honest mistake......think electron bounce phenomena and how the diode only allows electron flow in one have a bouncing opposing field effect.....and all the enrgy and power is dumped into the capcitor from both sides of the tubes.....

DO NOT LOOK AT THE ARROWS IN JOHN'S DOT ORIENTATION automatically assume that becuase the arrows are in the same direction that it is not opposing......hah what a way to judege a circuit! should look at the dot orientation and the connections they are 100% correct......the way you connect it does absolutely nothing.....the way you have drawn it above is not opposing......yes the arrows are not in the same direction (good job)...but that's not how a circuit should be able to see this circuit running in your head pretty easily.

THE MOST IMPORTANT PART TO THIS TECHNOLOGY in all honesty is the signal input amplitude and power.......

oh boy.

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Re: unipolar pulse trains
« Reply #236 on: April 12, 2009, 22:56:30 pm »
This is 100% Stan Business, and all other theories or ideas are slowing down progress and causing confusion.

Kinesisfilms, It is more helpful for the world if you ignore the crazy questions and theories and instead put your energy into explaining your set up, your experiments, your results, your understanding, and thoughts.

If you explain yourself in relation to Stan/ patents/ videos/ techbrief then we can read those and figure out what you are doing and saying. The people that do not understand the basics of Stans work can figure that out for themselves by reading his stuff.

Everything you say is gold right now.

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Re: unipolar pulse trains
« Reply #237 on: April 12, 2009, 23:17:48 pm »
you can see the input 50 percent duty cycle waveform at the bottom and the unipolar double frequency pulses over when gated this forms the unipolar pulse train.



this is the above but gated.

now that john has created 6-1.....we need stan's exact pulse circuit.....the input signal is incredibly malleable and can change at the drop of a pin.

how long would it take to get one of these made.....i know electrojolt is the expert in this area.


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Re: unipolar pulse trains
« Reply #238 on: April 12, 2009, 23:44:34 pm »
Ok I'mm gonna put up what I mean . They are not the same , only 1 is correct here .

« Last Edit: April 13, 2009, 01:05:39 am by Dankie »

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Re: unipolar pulse trains
« Reply #239 on: April 12, 2009, 23:51:32 pm »
Nice scopeshot, Kenisis!

That circuitboard of Stan is very easy to make. I made it 2 years ago.
