Author Topic: The overall specs  (Read 10000 times)

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Re: The overall specs
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2008, 00:55:24 am »
stevie....beautiful news i will order one the minute i collect money this weekend.

electrojolt: and as stated in the tech brief the water injector can be cylindrical shape, tapered, or of other form like his one image with a circular housig with a ball electrode in the middle.....anything can be used as long as it has a positive and negative voltage field.....TAPERED WOULD BE IDEAL....but to machine this sounds like hell.

dankie: i have known for a while that resistance played an important role and when hydrocars finally made that topic everything pieces are still falling into place to make the overall image clearer.

my question to everyone is that if i pulse a capacitor bank of 6 capacitors in the khz range even though they are rated at 50-60HZ what would happen? i know an ignition coil has a very fast response time and with the beautiful news that a car ignition coil has a resistance of or around 11.6kohm.......i am leaning towards hydrocars explanation and kevin wests comparison to radio systems.......i swear we are on the edge of it......shit is about to go pulse width will be back up and running soon.....i'm on teh hands on again.

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Re: The overall specs
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2008, 01:02:24 am »
stevie....beautiful news i will order one the minute i collect money this weekend.

electrojolt: and as stated in the tech brief the water injector can be cylindrical shape, tapered, or of other form like his one image with a circular housig with a ball electrode in the middle.....anything can be used as long as it has a positive and negative voltage field.....TAPERED WOULD BE IDEAL....but to machine this sounds like hell.

dankie: i have known for a while that resistance played an important role and when hydrocars finally made that topic everything pieces are still falling into place to make the overall image clearer.

my question to everyone is that if i pulse a capacitor bank of 6 capacitors in the khz range even though they are rated at 50-60HZ what would happen? i know an ignition coil has a very fast response time and with the beautiful news that a car ignition coil has a resistance of or around 11.6kohm.......i am leaning towards hydrocars explanation and kevin wests comparison to radio systems.......i swear we are on the edge of it......shit is about to go pulse width will be back up and running soon.....i'm on teh hands on again.

Lol me too kinesis.. me too , its clear that i was chosen for this.... this shit is gonna go down... but dont get cocky , because they WILL kill you or put you in jail..

I'm pretty sure 2curious figured out something special  , same for Dogs , Crux_wfc also figured it out thats 4 sure hes been spreading crap since then at his site . A few asians and indians probably also fired it out thats 4 sure, these guys are smart over there...

But there is an evolution going on , its like a calling... the elites just need  to accept it... i know how much danger this represents to them but i have no intention to change the world , not like some people around here ....

I know what lines not to cross , we are already being watched very very closely...

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Re: The overall specs
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2008, 01:29:37 am »
dankie i looked into the 430fr wire about a year ago their is one company that owns the patent to the material blend  i forgot the name richmond?? i had them check  as of that time their has never been an order up untill then for 430fr wire in anything remotely as thin as what you bought at that time i belive they wanted 1800 dollars? to have the wire spun down to the diameter that you have and you had to buy a mill qaunity with a 4 month lead time total price was ?

all in all i dont think it has to be 430fr  to be right  it probably was 430f    but i would still like to get some if  your still around then

i can see the reason for the wire to be a magnetic stainless 

but  the problem that everyone has is the pulse train is not right and the inductor  the inductor could be off a fair amout {10%} in both direction in millihenries and would have a some type of results were as most people look like they are just trying the same old as the last person {one of the downsides of forums}

people also get the fact their are about 20 different vic set ups and mix up gas processor circuits and
injector circuits with electrolysis ciruits  which waste most of their time

without a real gas processor not an ionizer the ignition coil you trying to make is useless 

to make a gas processor you have to be able to make the  electrolysis vic work to understand how to make the gas processor work  led colors dont matter as much as its made out to be its the protons they emitt that count

basically you have to start from the bottom and work your way up dankie

to date the only one ive seen that has looked like they are on the right path is hydro with the i think it was the 961 repliction on you tube and then he stopped working on it for the ignition coil :'(  it would have been nice to see a scope shot just to  see for sure

Well i dont believe starting from the bottom is the right way to go , i'm going straight for the gold.... the injector. The injector is far far simpler and cheaper than his most advanced electrolysis method , i think that the complexities of a very efficient electrolyser cell will be much much more difficult to achieve.

The injector is a Electtron extraction circuit , air ionizer , laser primer all in one....

Yes 430F or FR can be used but 430f is just as hard to find , in fact 430 can be used , but i wouldnt try anything else since its not what stan recommends .

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Re: The overall specs
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2008, 01:58:15 am »
how do you know if the the coils is working properly if you dont know what type of waveform comes out of it

how do you know what pulse train to put into it  or how to wind the coil if you dont know what it even is supposed to do

an air ionizer  is bs and wont do anything a gas processor is totally different

Lol ive been asking *very technical questions* all around but it seems i'm on my own designer from here on....

It might be slightly more complex what it looks like to comprehend exactly what is going on with this specific coil and the geometric configurations of the injector , it might me a little bit more.... esotheric

Yes the injector can act as can ambient air ionizer if you wanted too , watch the video closely...

Figure 8-9 has a laser right in the middle of the positive electrode of the injector for some added laser primed factured hydrogen effect... w/e you wanna call it...check it out

 you have to narrow it down to simple possibilities and experiment...
« Last Edit: October 24, 2008, 05:57:28 am by Hydrocars »