As you all know by now, i started this forum to show my personal progres on the water as a fuel projects. Later on, it became some sort of wiki.
A collection of knowledge. Probably a bit unstructured, but you can find a lot of info here by now.
One of my brain farts was about these longitudinal waves. I wondered if thats was used by meyer etc etc.
Today i spent hours watching the bob boyce speaches.
Remember, i tried a series cell with a so called bb toroid.
Now bob explained some more on his system.
He clearly states that he used scalar longitudinal waves on the three primary coils.
He also uses it for his water smacker and battery smacker products.
He pulses his three primary coil very shortly.
Femto seconds long pulses.
As we all know, current follows voltage.
If you pulse a coil so short, then you create a path for current, but the current is switched off.
But the coil is totally preperred for it, so it pulls energy from the environment. Or zero point.
The collapse of the coil creates an scalar wave longitudinal wave.
Now the most important thing bob tells is that these waves CHARGE WATER.
So, with almost no current, we create a situation in a toroid with coils, that charges water.
He also stated to use a bias voltage current steady thru your watercell. You need the electrons, he said.
That part is wierd for me....Maybe just on the electrodes? At least he said it needed to prevent re combination of the atoms into water again after we took it apart....
Ok, enough for now.
Your comments?