Author Topic: Longitudinal waves, the secret?  (Read 33786 times)

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Re: Longitudinal waves, the secret?
« Reply #24 on: April 07, 2009, 22:28:03 pm »

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Re: Longitudinal waves, the secret?
« Reply #25 on: April 07, 2009, 22:28:29 pm »
and the electrical pulsing is electromagnetic waves traveling at the speed of light

speed of light.. this set speed idea is bothering me.. everything has a variable even light.. lights variable is resistance just like electrons.. when light goes through glass it slows down.. you dont think air and other solids dont play a role in that? such as copper, water, stainless,.. what we see visible is only a certain speed of light.  think of hertz like mph in a sense and volts like torque..  when the positive charge is spiraling down the choke toawrd the fuel  cell so are the electrons in the negative at the same speed and build vacuum and pressure at a equal relative time.. when they make it to the cell they have the opposite charges entering at the same pressure so as positve crosses toward negative, negatives crossing toawrd positive at the same relative time. you create balanced trade since there pressures match.. resonance is nothing more then balance trade happening at different speeds when it come to whats happening in the load.
stan hits it with a step up pulse because he trys to make the charge act like a guy spinning a merry go round.. the first push is the least of force to get it spinning but each addition push there is a speed increase in the gyro speed of exchange.. to the point where electrons are breaking there gravitational attraction to the proton mass.. thats what im seeing.


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Re: Longitudinal waves, the secret?
« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2009, 03:07:19 am »
never noticed him holding the bobbin

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Re: Longitudinal waves, the secret?
« Reply #27 on: April 08, 2009, 03:56:24 am »
I just invited DrStiffler and Wavefront to

I just love these guy's video

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Re: Longitudinal waves, the secret?
« Reply #28 on: April 08, 2009, 06:23:18 am »

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Re: Longitudinal waves, the secret?
« Reply #29 on: April 08, 2009, 14:30:27 pm »

I can imagine the signal propagation velocity is SS is way smaller than copper , need to find its % of C (speed of light).
Goal of this is to see how low we can go with frequency to make a standing voltage wave using SS.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2009, 15:15:53 pm by Alan »

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Re: Longitudinal waves, the secret?
« Reply #30 on: April 08, 2009, 14:50:17 pm »

I can imagine the signal propagation velocity is SS is way smaller than copper , need to find its % of C.
Goal of this is to see how low we can go with frequency to make a standing voltage wave using SS.

It has low carbon % , like


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Re: Longitudinal waves, the secret?
« Reply #31 on: April 08, 2009, 19:56:43 pm »
I can imagine the signal propagation velocity is SS is way smaller than copper , need to find its % of C (speed of light).
Goal of this is to see how low we can go with frequency to make a standing voltage wave using SS.

very relative question i would say

this is what i see..(doesnt mean im right) just painting the canvas with some imagination.. 
each wind around the inductive core is giving 2 things.. leverage for volts kinda like how a block pulley ups it  picking up ability with each additional loop around the blocks.. and you are gaining volume(capacitance) for the charge.. so thats like upping your gallons of air for a air compressor for storing potential as well???  resonance is having your emf pumping action in tune to where its creating equivalent vacuum  and electron pressure in relative time. its all balance.  the C (constant of light) will very depending on emf.. the faster the alternator version turns the faster the ligt and electrons.. the frequency is like a clutch in a sense.. the higher frequency is like letting off the clutch all the way.. and the lower is like making it slip.. for 6-1 its all about the turbulent amps passing threw the primary?

so all in all i dont think the resistance is gonna hurt.. it keeps the cell from getting jerky boosts in voltage reducing the possibility for ark in the micro cap.

its semiconducting capabilities enhance the passing of positive light potential??  for its bidireactional trade off??? 

it may be .001 amps but i am gonna say you stil have around half the count of electrons passing one given point.. its just unreadable with meters because its non turbulent displacement.. meaning the electrons and light bidirectionaly trade off's are  in perfect unison