ok, if you say so 
As i recall back when i was ionizing gas i was referred to as retarded, now everyone is trying doing it?
Where was all of you at back when i was blowing my shit up and worked alone? Now you come out and all you have to say is, "if you say so?"
Gas ionization is just being realized now, and i released it way back then, and being the fact that "I" am the one that brought it to your attention i now start to see new people coming aboard asking about gas ionization, "Almost as if they never new I was the one that brought attention to it."
Thank you for your credit and attention guys, I appreciate it!
Now that i am claiming resonance at very stupidly low voltages at crazily high amperages, a few months from now i wonder who will be the one to walk right in here and say, hey, i found resonance at low voltages. I am the funny guy of this low voltage resonance -
just like I was the funny guy of the gas ionization. Now ionization isn't so funny - is it? And i have no credit, WOW.
How about when you realize my new resonate setup, you laugh, then later realize its nothing to laugh at. Then when its not so funny others will start to talk about it, "Not realizing who truly found it."
So this is how I am credited for my work, "If you say so?"
So yes, "If you say so."

Besides bud, ionization will not do you any good if you do not know when or what to ionize

It is not a nuclear reaction, and your produced gases is not 2 and 1 half greater than that of gasoline as it comes from the fuel cell, you simply make it that way, and no you do not ionize the gases as they come from the cell.. ask me how i know.

I look forward to sharing everything i know just so i can not be credited

Meanwhile, I have resonance circuits to construct... So yes, I said so.