Author Topic: Winding method  (Read 20128 times)

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Re: Winding method
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2008, 08:17:30 am »

You answered my question. Thanks for all the help you have given us all here! It is very appreciated!!!

I try to help where I can, but there's still a lot I don't know still!


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Re: Winding method
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2008, 12:37:53 pm »
Dankie please play nice and double check your post before posting them.

 If you feel negative about something and you would like to post your negative comment on something you do not think would work, then Please take the time and learn how to reply in a way to get your point across and not make fights or members unhappy.

H20, Keep up the good work, and next time something like this bothers you Please report it to me.

Dankie, Play nice, your attitude here is a bit better than last time, but its going to have to get a bit better then it already is. Please work on it.

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Re: Winding method
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2008, 23:06:40 pm »
to be completely honest this method seems way to complex......getting a simple audio transformer, and then making the bifilar coil on a seperate core is a much more rational way to go for your first time around.......

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Re: Winding method
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2008, 00:02:45 am »
why are you so bent on doing this all on one core?......there are many ways to skin a cat.....but why take the hardest way to accomplish when you are just beginning.

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Re: Winding method
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2008, 02:48:51 am »
why are you so bent on doing this all on one core?......there are many ways to skin a cat.....but why take the hardest way to accomplish when you are just beginning.

I think you are talking to me, right? I do so just because I can do it and to me it isn't all that hard too do. I am going for some of Meyer end product just before his untimely death. I have already made a lot of Meyer old transformer set ups so for me the end product is already understood. This is just the way I am doing things, there are many other ways of doing this.  I was ask, " How to make all coils have the same inductance," so I answered, it's just that simple. And I am far from just begining on this technology for in the begining I made the donut core of Meyer just as the patent says it should be made, so did Kevin West for we worked on the same stuff back then, and now I am at his last transformer wth a really good understanding of why Stanley Meyer made it.

I have already gotten my car's 1.8L engine to run on water alone, it just has zero power and I can't do anything with it. So I went back to the drawing board, and now I feel I am ready for more engine trials expecting far better results than the last time. I may fail again, but that's okay with me for then it's back to the drawing board once again. But the end goal for me is energy independence and unlike a lot of people working on this technology all I want is the freedom of putting my life back under my control, and will just take the savings this technology will bring.

Energy independence is my end goal,

h2o not talking to you relax!!! everyone is getting all bent out of shape on this forum arhghghg! i seriously love everyone....everyone has their own personalities so who the fuck a collective we are doing a damn good job.

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Re: Winding method
« Reply #13 on: October 16, 2008, 02:58:44 am »
we should all soon be posting our videos of us running mini engines within the next 2 months or LESS.....we have the potential so let's just crack down.....i am planning on buying a moped for around 80 dollars off craiglist and modifying this.....i want to try plasma plugs mixed with hho gas and water vapor for my first test......but once i am have my cell fully running i will post it's entire-ity on the forum with the parts and everything.....i had gotten my cell to produce the tidal wave form exactly as meyer patents but the voltage wasn't stepped up to a high enough degree......i was lacking resistance......i also blew my transformer by pushing the frequencies beyond its audible being 15khz tops.

i am really focused on kevin west and hydrocars at this moment......they are right on the nail with the resonance of the vic circuit....and dankie i look forward to your use of SS wire......this will be highly interesting seeing that you will be one of the first people to have used this in the vic coil......let's not be so sensitve on this forum UNDERSTAND AND REALIZE THAT WE ALL HAVE DIFFERENT PERSONALITIES and that's what makes us us.....everyone needs to stop being so complaicant, we are not little girls, and if someone on here hurts your feelings with knowledge, than get up and introduce your knowledge to them as your defense instead of complain to one likes cry babies.

and by me saying this i am even complaining......but let's just put this out here on the table, and it's sad i have to even mention this to a group of adults.

this forum is different from any of the other bullshit forums out there........i feel this is one of the only forums with actual tangible information and correct analysis of stanley meyers work.


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Re: Winding method
« Reply #14 on: October 16, 2008, 03:19:53 am »

this forum is different from any of the other bullshit forums out there........i feel this is one of the only forums with actual tangible information and correct analysis of stanley meyers work.

Thank you kines, We will go to whatever means necessary to keep the Instigators from roaming this forum. Today we have had 25 new members.

We clearly have a reputation to think about, and it is not going to get jepordized by a few insane folks loosing their heads.

I wish i did not have to step into post as much as i do, here lately its all i've been doing is stepping between people. It has to end, its stressfull. 

Please Stay on topic! It would help me out alot!

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Re: Winding method
« Reply #15 on: October 16, 2008, 14:52:23 pm »

So all emotions are out our systems now.
Lets continue with facts and lots of respect for eachother and remember that we all may think different on specific ideas.
Do not try to convince eachother, but show the differences in inside!

And have fun!
