Author Topic: Stanley Meyers Resonate Circuit A Must See  (Read 50090 times)

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Re: Stanley Meyers Resonate Circuit A Must See
« Reply #56 on: October 16, 2008, 14:17:19 pm »
Pulsed, here is the thread i wanted you to see.


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Re: Stanley Meyers Resonate Circuit A Must See
« Reply #57 on: October 26, 2008, 04:09:18 am »
All though the above circuit will work on a bench, Electrojolt has found that it was drawn improperly for a car. So i taken into consideration the Flaw he had found which was the plug had no ground, so here we are.

Thank you for pointing this out to me electrojolt.

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Re: Stanley Meyers Resonate Circuit A Must See
« Reply #58 on: October 27, 2008, 03:46:12 am »
Here is that circuit working. It is loud!!! my hears still buzzing.

I then added a Resonance Charging circuit to charge the AMP TANK with higher voltage, and it works.

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Re: Stanley Meyers Resonate Circuit A Must See
« Reply #59 on: October 27, 2008, 03:49:23 am »
Here is that circuit working. It is loud!!! my hears still buzzing.

I then added a Resonance Charging circuit to charge the AMP TANK with higher voltage, and it works.

The thing i dont like about this is that it eats the electrodes from your sparkplug away so fast... you be changing it every week....very unpractical . You might  need add more surface to the spark so it wears out evenly...


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Re: Stanley Meyers Resonate Circuit A Must See
« Reply #60 on: October 27, 2008, 04:32:33 am »
Here is that circuit working. It is loud!!! my hears still buzzing.

I then added a Resonance Charging circuit to charge the AMP TANK with higher voltage, and it works.

The thing i dont like about this is that it eats the electrodes from your sparkplug away so fast... you be changing it every week....very unpractical . You might  need add more surface to the spark so it wears out evenly...

There's suppose to be water between the electrodes taking the heat, Heat travels to the spot with the most resistance. Since we had a "Rotor Gap" then this would mean the resistance of the Water Drop will have to overcome the resistance of the Rotor Gap, or we got problems.

Just better hope that plug works when wet, if not then this means the explosion will be between the rotor button. If The explosion pases that rotor button and hits the water drop then we're on our way to victory because the electrodes will not be consumed, "the water drop will."

Lets just see how this ends. I am still waiting on my diodes.

Claud can you Confirm that you're using the above circuit,,, "where is your condenser?"

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Re: Stanley Meyers Resonate Circuit A Must See
« Reply #61 on: October 27, 2008, 15:41:07 pm »
Here is that circuit working. It is loud!!! my hears still buzzing.

I then added a Resonance Charging circuit to charge the AMP TANK with higher voltage, and it works.

The thing i dont like about this is that it eats the electrodes from your sparkplug away so fast... you be changing it every week....very unpractical . You might  need add more surface to the spark so it wears out evenly...

There's suppose to be water between the electrodes taking the heat, Heat travels to the spot with the most resistance. Since we had a "Rotor Gap" then this would mean the resistance of the Water Drop will have to overcome the resistance of the Rotor Gap, or we got problems.

Just better hope that plug works when wet, if not then this means the explosion will be between the rotor button. If The explosion pases that rotor button and hits the water drop then we're on our way to victory because the electrodes will not be consumed, "the water drop will."

Lets just see how this ends. I am still waiting on my diodes.

Claud can you Confirm that you're using the above circuit,,, "where is your condenser?"

There are some differences in my set up:

1st since I don't have a good stock ignition coil, I used my old trusty TV transformer to create the HV and since TV transformers only work at High frequency, I used a Mason Jar (HV capacitor) to slow down the spark rate to be more like an engine timing. so the TV transformer charges the HV capacitor and once it reached the threshold voltage for my spark gap (simulating the distributor), the HV cap discharges into the spark plug.  This took care of the HV side of the circuit.

Now for the Low volatge side: on the 1st video I built it just like in the schematic using a 100Watts 12v to 110v inverter. used a full bridge rectifier to charge the AMP Tank (470uf 450Volt Cap).
The Cap would charge to 150 volts.

Then on the 2nd video I added a DC resonance circuit to charge the AMP Tank to higher voltage. for this I used 1000uf cap right after the bridge rectifier, one diode and one 1000Mh inductor, this would then charge the AMP tank. I observed that the AMP tank now could be charged to 300 volts. Yea!!

There was water in my modified spark plug. 
This plug has a water inlet port so I can inject water into it.
The Negative electrode (the little bar) was removed.
The Positive electrode was also removed so I can test different configurations.

I did notice that when the plug is full of water touching both negative and positive, the spark still jumps over the water not thru it. yes some of the water does get blown up, but not that significant.

Here are some photos of the Modified plug.

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Re: Stanley Meyers Resonate Circuit A Must See
« Reply #62 on: October 27, 2008, 16:38:41 pm »
One more photo that shows the water inlet port.


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Re: Stanley Meyers Resonate Circuit A Must See
« Reply #63 on: November 01, 2008, 06:36:07 am »
Mission Accomplished and the Circuits Perfected and worthy of instillation, "Will contain a 2 wire modifycation to any Coil/Automobile." Those that don't know electronics you will not need to know them just follow instructions.

All thats left is to brush all this up make it neat, "Turn it down!" I don't want to publish anything that will blow chunks of metal into peoples cylinder walls and rings. To those that likes to get nasty, yes this circuit can literally weld the plug together making it impossible to get your spark gap back without using a saw of some sort on the first discharge if desired.

Now i just have to brush the circuit up, "make it neat," Tone it down and get it in tune, "parts list" which will not be expensive. All i can say is just wait until i'm ready to release it. Again, tested with a stock coil with "no mods" and confirmed to work on any system. "Also i feel this is the best circuit that will be on the internet for fire boosting." This is not a coil discharge circuit it's clearly a capacitor discharge circuit where the energy from the capacitor is violently and quickly discharged into the water molecule or water molecules, and will also be used to burn all that gas thats not getting burned. It is truly hassle free.

One person that must be credited for Bringing this circuit to my attention is Gotoluc! Therefor he will be credited!