Author Topic: Stanley Meyers Resonate Circuit A Must See  (Read 50090 times)

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Re: Stanley Meyers Resonate Circuit A Must See
« Reply #16 on: October 12, 2008, 20:33:35 pm »
look at this


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Re: Stanley Meyers Resonate Circuit A Must See
« Reply #17 on: October 12, 2008, 20:44:13 pm »

Taken from url

( The input power was pulsing DC type with ON TIME of low volts +200ma. pulse and then OFF TIME of > 1500volt flyback volts pulse only coming from series inductor coil hooked to cell. Wires of coils are resistance wire type instead of resister, so maximum current is limited to .2 Amp. Therefore circuit uses low wattage power.)

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Re: Stanley Meyers Resonate Circuit A Must See
« Reply #18 on: October 12, 2008, 21:09:57 pm »
hydro the process of charging from on inductor to next as you metion is used in particle accelerator also lasers and is refered to as magnetic pulse compression

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Re: Stanley Meyers Resonate Circuit A Must See
« Reply #19 on: October 12, 2008, 21:56:45 pm »

I've posted in the past as well about the auto ignition circuit and it's similarities with stan's circuit. In the auto ignition circuit. You have the ignition coil secondary (which is an inductor) an the spark plug which has two voltage fields with air bewteen them (a capacitor with air as the dielectric).

The secondary is not made of any type of resistive wire, but the wire being as small as it is has resistance. If you look at wire resistance charts you will see that the smaller the wire, the higher the resistance!

I have charged water with ignition coils to a high voltage static charge, but failed to split it. And why?

-First I realized that I was only using +20KV and ground (0V). You need both + and negative opposite charges. Something like +20kV and -20kV.

This can be done by connecting 2 ignition coils primaries in parallel but of opposite polarity: Shown here: (SECOND CIRCUIT DOWN)

However, Ta Lee's patent states that the voltage applied is constant.

You will not be able to split the water efficiently by using 2 ignition coils connected this way, unless you use a 50% duty cycle and inductors.

As we all know the inductors give us a free pulse for each pulse we give, and if the duty cycle given is exactly 50%, then the free pulse duty cycle with also be 50%, making a 100% DC, continuous opposite polarity voltage across the capacitor!

The inductors cause the voltage to be continuous if the duty cycle is 50%, when you are not giving a 50% duty cycle you can still split the water, but only in fractions of seconds of time (water is only split during pulsing). but when the duty cycle given is 50%,  your free pusle from the inductors will also have a 50% duty cycle, the two will be combined causing a constant (non pulsed) voltage source.

Because of the circuit design you will still have resonance!


One thing you should keep in mind here is that two transformers are not needed, but because of the way ignition coils are designed (primary and secondary sharing a common ground) it would require two. Stan used just one transforer that has dual secondayry outputs because it guaranteed fewer parts, and complied with the KISS method.

The way stan's circuit is set up the step charging is continual. This is the reason for peridoic gating, as without it the production would be uncontrollable and it would go into a runaway effect where voltage continues to increase until the water splits apart as fast as it enters the cell. He even states that in one of his videos. The circuit off time must be greater every X number of pulses to allow the cap to discharge and prevent this runaway voltage effect.

All this information is contained in Stan's patents and tech brief.

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Re: Stanley Meyers Resonate Circuit A Must See
« Reply #20 on: October 12, 2008, 22:09:39 pm »

May i point you to my post earlier...some days ago?,384.0.html



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Re: Stanley Meyers Resonate Circuit A Must See
« Reply #21 on: October 12, 2008, 23:17:30 pm »

Thanks for the link.  I somehow missed the previous post.


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Re: Stanley Meyers Resonate Circuit A Must See
« Reply #22 on: October 13, 2008, 04:43:01 am »
Just so it is very clear what i am up to. Even though the fuel cell can be made to resonate with this unique circuit, I am not interested in producing hydroxy.

My main goal is to take a plug and blow water up on demand.

I am repeating myself when i say A capacitor arc under water cant hold a candle to what a over sized replicated ignition coil can do. The replica will be based on an ignition coil, but since a different cap is used, and a hand made bigger coil, it's not the same because it is much bigger in size.

The way it works, when the HV sparks to the plug, the charge the capacitor got from the Back emf of the primary is unloaded into the water in amps along with the HV from the secondary. The circuit will have to be able to unload a bigger capacitor condenser than normal onto the water drop remaining on the plug. This will lead to violent water explosions. I would like to point out that arching a capacitor under water is about the same thing as what we're trying to do here. But this setup is better since a discharge from a coil is used.

The problem i had with capacitors, is in oder to explode what "you had to manually arc the cap under water" to get that effect. With this over sized resonate circuit you no longer have to manually arc the cap under water due to the way its wired. And since it is a resonating circuit recharging the cap will be on the fly. Not only does the water see a capacitor discharge from this setup it also sees high volts, and coil discharges. If you really think about whats going on, "Fore a Brief second" Pure DC is indeed discharged from the plug very strongly before a polarity change takes effect. This setup has been reconized because i was searching for a capacitor discharge spark. Even though the normal ignition coil is a capacitor discharge spark "It should POP when the plug fires." This is the circuit i am working on.

When you place a water fuel cell in series with this special coil and 12v battery without the use of "POINTS", the fuel cell will produce hydrogen. The freq to the water fuel cell would be like points in parallel with the fuel cell, just like the points across the condenser in a normal auto ignition circuit. When you dead short the fuel cell or condenser it is drained and at the same time energy is being built up in the auto coil. Due to the way the auto coil has been wrapped, like series capacitors, the condenser, Wfc takes strong spike charges. If there is a secondary side of the transformer the charge in the cell can be discharged amps along with the HV if the primary is hooked to the secondary properly.

A wfc makes a great condenser, but for the discharge i am looking for it will  be able to blow water up very violently. Since the Auto Coil is labeled and LC circuit, and since the LC circuit resonates with a capacitor at a resonate freq and charges the cap on the fly, A very very violent Ignition circuit can now be constructed.

I would like to point out, when i say resonance what i mean is when you apply power to the circuit it is self resonating for a few 2 or 3 cycles. What i mean when i say Replacing the points with a fet to gain freq over the water, then you would be trying to tune into the freq of water, unlike the freq term referred to in the auto ignition circuit.  So The word Resonate frequency has several different meanings and it is simple to confuse them. If you look at the circuit, connecting a coil and wfc to a 12v battery, hydroxy will flow without doing anything. Dead shorting the wfc will determine the freq your trying to tune into.

Since my buggy will be assembled soon, i need this circuit.

I didn't have time to proof read this post, sorry. Very busy today


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Re: Stanley Meyers Resonate Circuit A Must See
« Reply #23 on: October 13, 2008, 05:10:09 am »

Sounds very cool indeed.